Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [to-vb] that the " in BNC.

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1 When writing on a less metaphysical level , and in face of the paintings themselves , even Apollinaire had to admit that the subject played an important part , and that the realism of the movement lay in its attempt to make a totally new but nevertheless very concrete statement about the visual world .
2 Kenneth has a list of questions to ask as a result of his reading , but the Dr has to admit that the subject is a highly complex one and that his knowledge is limited as he is a G.P. and not a specialist on the subject .
3 Henri had to agree that the ladies were worth every penny of their prize .
4 To do this , accepting that many visitors from across the world will probably attend the next World Cup , tempted also by the extraordinarily favourable rates of exchange and despite the problems which may still exist in the country , SARFU has to ensure that the majority of South Africans will have a chance to attend the games if rugby is to lose its elitist ‘ white ’ connotations .
5 They had four days together before they had to leave for Estoril and the pre-race qualifying sessions , and by the end of them Kate had to admit that the naïve dreams she 'd had of becoming irresistible to this man were exactly that , and extremely unrealistic into the bargain .
6 But , in ruling out a coup , Trent had to presume that the arms had a further destination and were n't connected to the drug scenario .
7 The only thing the Grafpad has to offer that the screen-based packages do n't is the facility to use the pen to trace an existing drawing on paper into the computer 's memory and even this is limited by the accuracy of the tablet .
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