Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [vb pp] [adv prt] from " in BNC.

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1 Dr Jean Bainbridge has taken over from Coun Heather Scott as president of the Darlington and District Soroptimists .
2 Stuart Ward has taken over from Bill Davidson who retired at the end of last year .
3 MOVIE heart-throb Kevin Costner has taken over from Arnold Schwarzenegger as Hollywood 's most powerful actor , according to a survey .
4 Meanwhile Linton had got up from his armchair and gone out to join Cathy and Hareton .
5 Tammuz had turned around from his workstation .
6 There was only one really bitter outbreak of in-fighting , prompted by a story which Peter Walker had raked up from somewhere that gave an account of Margaret hoarding food during the miners ' strike .
7 Unlike Eb , Josh had come back from the war in one piece , hale and hearty .
8 ‘ Love is a local Anguish , ’ he wrote after he and Hucks had travelled on from Wrexham .
9 Alan Jones and Steve Abel have stepped down from committee due to other work commitments ; their involvement in the work of the TCP over recent years has been much appreciated .
10 Tim Corser and his wife Linda have moved on from Benidorm and are continuing on their extended journey through Europe .
11 Add to those characteristics the meticulous almost fussy ways which Anthony has picked up from his father , and you have a close family likeness — yet to Anthony they are almost completely unacknowledged and unrecognised .
12 Jane has looked up from her papers .
13 It seems Spain has taken over from Italy as chief innovator on the modern scene : ‘ The 1990s will see Spain firmly positioned at the top of the international market , ’ declares Robert Smith .
14 After Wandsworth Nicholson had moved around from prison to prison , serving his time as surely as any of the inmates in those institutions .
15 When the local doctor , confounded by the sparrow size of his patients , informed the couple that they were to become parents , llya Holovich had dropped her lined and weary face to her chest and wept , and Stepan Holovich had jumped up from his chair and then scratched between his thin grey hair and laughed .
16 Everyone knew the story of how old man Reynolds had come up from nothing to be a landowner .
17 Ray had come in from the country bank and we sat with Margaret through the short service .
18 This latter business was undertaken in the most difficult financial circumstances and , even after the newly founded Bank of England had taken over from Herne , it was his credit that kept the artillery train in Flanders from starving late in 1694 .
19 The Beatles had taken over from the Rolling Stones , but Gabriel , used to pop boiling over all around her , did not notice .
20 When Petion returned , Ace had brought out from the TARDIS the four Vickers guns that she had liberated from the palace armoury , and was checking their actions for signs of wear or damage .
21 Said his friend-cum-mentor , Irving Layton , in looking back over the period , ‘ I had a very sharp feeling in the early fifties that poetry in Canada had come in from the cold and was starting to gain momentum . ’
22 Louis had come up from the saloon .
23 Although his fellow psychiatrists were thoroughly sceptical about the usefulness of an elimination diet — which Dr Mackarness had learned about from clinical ecologists in America — they were desperate enough to try anything .
24 Her garter belt was a pre-war birthday present , and she wore a pair of the precious nylons that Sylvia had brought back from the States .
25 This is usually identified with Hollows Tower , still to be seen in a fine state of repair beside the A7 near Canonbie , though it was in a poor state after Lord Dacre had ridden in from England to burn it .
26 Maybe she believed him , for Rufus had once caught her lifting the lid and looking into the jar at the wood ash Adam had scraped up from the site of the handkerchief man 's last bonfire .
27 Erlich came close to her , kneeling on the rug he knew that Harry had brought back from a fast run to Beirut .
28 Bearing in mind that she would be eating a main meal that evening , Fabia ordered an omelette and salad , and soon discovered that once Lubor had settled down from his initial opportunistic manner he was quite a pleasant lunchtime companion .
29 The chief cargo handled here was coal , and within a century the population of Goole had shot up from under 500 to 20,000 The docks are close to the centre of the town , which was largely the creation of the canal company that built the docks with their brick warehouses and harbour offices .
30 Matthew Miles has moved up from being a National Account Executive in the Multiples Sector to become National Account Manager in the sector , reporting to Gary Lunt .
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