Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Out of the dust of the Bodleian , Dr Lonsdale has resurrected more than a hundred witty women and set them glistening and pulsing with life and spirits before us ; and through their fresh and often subversive eyes , the Augustan age seems much closer than it did .
2 Sigeric 's successor , Ælfric , recovered it , but N.P. Brooks has pointed out that other losses would have left no trace in the Canterbury records if they were not regained , and Thietmar of Merseburg says that Archbishop Ælfheah was unable to ransom himself in 1012 because of dire poverty .
3 The EEC has banned BST until further research has been completed .
4 Page 21 Latin debt : Venezuela has paid more than $900m in overdue interest on its public sector debt owed to commercial banks , according to Chase Manhattan .
5 With the crowd pleading for more it was a far cry from the wastelands of the south-west where Mr. Baker has met less than rapturous welcomes in the past .
6 Moreover in The Tablet ( 16 April 1958 ) Shirley Williams pointed out another advantage that grant-maintained schools might have : Mr Baker has laid down that LEA schools must take in children up to the 1979 limit of numbers , so that as many parents as possible can get their children in , if they choose a particular school .
7 Kelly has shown recently that correct calculations about the shearing strength of solids are rather complicated and that there is a good deal of variation between the theoretical shear strengths of various substances .
8 In Hook , Peter Pan has grown up and is now Peter Banning , a 40-year-old attorney , with a loving wife and two healthy children .
9 Several European countries have taken in large numbers of refugees : Germany has accepted more than 200,000 ; Austria and Hungary 50,000 each ; and Sweden 45,000 .
10 The Federal Republic of Germany has had both because of its electoral system and the decentralised way in which so much of Germany is governed , where many decisions are taken by the regions .
11 Mitch has found out that Blanche is not as well behaved as he thinks she is .
12 The feminist thinker Hélène Cixous has pointed out that this is a longstanding tradition of Western thought .
13 My right hon. and learned Friend has said more than once , and I have repeated it , that it is the Government 's avowed intention to deal with that subject .
14 Drilling Engineer Perry Hill notes that BPX has drilled more than 10,500 feet of pay in horizontal wells within the last year .
15 To date , Christo has produced more than eighty drawings of various sizes related to ‘ Wrapped Reichstag ’ , over one hundred collages , and three models , the earliest of which dates from 1977 and was acquired by Teheran 's Museum of Modern Art .
16 Richard Gombrich has pointed out that the idea of truth as an autonomous secular value has no firm base in Sinhalese village society .
17 But we should not forget what Comrade Winnie Mandela has gone through and her immense contribution to the liberation struggle .
18 Professor Kaldor has pointed out that an increase in the note issue precedes the Christmas spending spree , to facilitate the extra demand for transactions balances , but the absence of such an increase would not prevent the spending boom .
19 So far , the LDDC has overseen more than 13m sq ft of Docklands ' office completions ; about 38% are still vacant .
20 Glenn Hoddle has thought long and hard about how to get them there .
21 In an article entitled ‘ Two Problems in Legal History ’ ( 1908 ) 24 L.Q.R. 392 , W. C. Bolland has pointed out that this was not only an order of the Sovereign but an Act by the Parliament , since it is in the Parliament Rolls and under the authority of Parliament .
22 Could Andy have decided since that the body was n't well enough concealed , and come back and removed it ; hauled it up , taken it away and buried it ?
23 The houses were scattered around , low-slung , timbered , with a thatched roof and small porch ; it was a village scene similar to many Corbett had seen elsewhere except for the small dark people , their furtive looks and quiet ways .
24 But Creed had turned away and Jed breathed easier .
25 Jinkwa had wheeled about and was now coming back over to them .
26 Somehow I was in the boat , and Neil had cast off and was edging her out from the jetty .
27 So troubled was he for a girl who , after all , was of age , high-spirited and clever , that after she had gone , and Matey had answered reflectively when he had asked her if she knew where McAllister was going , ‘ I do n't know .
28 So far , Marie had lasted longer than either of them : it was n't that she was better at her job than they were , it was just that she did n't expect so much of people .
29 During the time that I was at MainMan , David had become more and more removed from us , but I figured that that was because he was so busy and that was the way it was when you had become a big star .
30 The number-two car with Dino Tremiti had done well and held current pole position , but even if Ace did brilliantly the Brazilian who drove for Carlisle Flint 's closest rivals was hot on his tail , and he had a reputation for being able to go just that little bit faster under the pressure of a time to beat .
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