Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [be] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Neil MacDonald has been out in Chile meeting the leaders of the fishing community …
2 At the end of the protracted negotiations with her great-aunt 's executors , and the vendor 's solicitors , Hugh and Molly had been out to several dinners in bistros , for which she insisted she paid her share .
3 Munro has been out of rugby since his complex leg break in April , 1990 , an injury that forced him to drop out of Scotland 's tour to New Zealand that summer .
4 MORE than one in five of the 2,329 young people seeking jobs and training in Hampshire have been out of work for more than six months .
5 Bernie 's been out at ten o'clock at night before with him .
6 Deng Xiaoping had been out of circulation since being accused of provoking the Tiananmen Incident .
7 Pam had been out at a friend 's all evening .
8 Young Martin 's been out of work for a year now , ever since he left school .
9 Already teams from GCHQ have been out to America to be trained in the use of the new equipment .
10 Mo Johnston has been out of favour at Everton for some time .
11 Ivor Jones has been out of work for six months .
12 She and Lewis had been out for a meal the night before .
13 He 's been very helpful to you since Joanna has been out of action . ’
14 Tommy and Iain had been out for fifteen minutes .
15 The night of Mandy Kelly 's murder George had been out on one of his walks .
16 A police spokesman said : ‘ Gina had been out with her sister and friends , but had very little to drink .
17 João had been out with Fernando for most of the previous night and looked pale and tired , but Maria Iñes said this was all to the good , because it made him look older and readier to take on the responsibility of a wife .
18 She talked freely about the many young men she and Sarah had been out with , and sometimes had the women in fits of laughter , but she never mentioned John .
19 ‘ Giles said he and Ursula had been out with the two of you .
20 Emma 's been out with erm about ten people .
21 Ards have been out of the picture since then but I 've enjoyed a good Irish Cup record at my other clubs , getting to the final three times as a player and twice as Larne 's manager .
22 Builder Ivan James has been out of work for a year .
23 Schmeichel has been out for two matches with a poisoned hand .
24 This particular day Tom Smith had been out on the drink the previous night and now had a sore head and a filthy mood on him .
25 Jazzbeaux had been out of it for most of the fighting , but she could tell from the leavings that things had got serious .
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