Example sentences of "[noun prp] have [verb] some [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It could even put a question mark over the future of England captain and selector Graham Gooch , whose fitness and discipline regime have become a hallmark of the current side , and which Gower has had some difficulty fitting in with .
2 David has done some transcription this week , erm and I 've done a bit , erm and that 's basically , well we 've got one side of , you 've got one side of those lectures to do erm and I 've got some of the recording that I made on Thursday to do and that and that .
3 The experimental rig that will be built at the UKAEA 's Harwell base is , ironically , called ACHILLES , The NII agrees that recent work in Canada , West Germany and the United States has gone some way to showing the likely scale of the ballooning effect .
4 Agatha giggled as if Corbett had posed some riddle .
5 Wishart stared at Corbett and laughed as if Corbett had told some pleasantry .
6 Before making the offer Branson had done some homework .
7 Ellen had bought some melon and coffee on her way to the boatyard and we were eating a late breakfast in Wavebreaker 's cockpit .
8 In masochism the energy is directed on to the ego , not an object , where the ego is itself libidinized as in narcissism. rn this way Freud had moved some way to producing a new synthesis of the three dichotomies : ego instincts , and sexual instincts ; ego and object choices within one set of instincts only , the sexual instincts ; and , finally , the life instincts ( sexual ) and the death instincts .
9 Still , she liked one or two of the collective , Xanthe had put some money in ( actually five hundred pounds , a fair whack ) when Miranda had asked her to , so she felt bound to give the paper some support in kind , and the office was fun — she liked pitching in with headings , sidebars , suggested stories , and pasting up till the small hours , with the help of ciggies and carafe wine ; the sex gossip was the best in town , which made up for the coffee ( though they could afford dope , they could n't rise to real coffee , and had at one time even resorted to the bitter brown syrup Camp , with the turbaned lascar on the label ) .
10 Valerie 's got some wee ‘ do ’ on tonight and I popped over to Hyndland Road this morning because she was short of ramekins for her starters and the wee souls were all over Gran with their Selection Boxes , honestly any more would sicken me .
11 A few groups from the United States have reported some success in short term cultures of either normal human gall bladder cells or with well differentiated gall bladder adenocarcinoma lines .
12 Robson , who will contact Kenny Dalglish today for an update on Barnes , said : ‘ Kenny has phoned me a couple of times and has told me that Barnes has done some training this week .
13 In clearly stating the terms of conditions of sale , SLAD has given some backbone to the dealers ' frequently invoked claim that they ‘ guarantee their goods ( unlike the auction houses ) ’ .
14 The Bank of England has lost some independence in recent years because of the formalisation of what were previously informal supervisory activities .
15 While the discussions of partnership in validation were taking place in the late 1970s , therefore , the CNAA had had some decade and a half of validation experience , but the rapid expansion of subject areas and such relatively recent developments as the DipHE and modular courses , and the uncertainties surrounding public sector higher education in a swiftly changing economic climate , all helped to strengthen the view that the Council should not move too rapidly into a higher gear of change .
16 Scotland have offered some assistance in the Canadians ' injury crisis , physiotherapist Colin Elliot will be available to them , but it seems the Canadians stopped short of asking Scotland whether they could borrow their spare player — Stark — for the Fiji tournament , for which Canadian captain Julian Loveday has joined David Lougheed as an invalid .
17 Walter Last has spent some time developing a system for cutting the compound angles on the segments for his turning
18 Well it 's not chairman , and perhaps Mr has got some information I think that might help you on that .
19 Mrs Diggory had made some effort , and the little room was at least warm from a small fire in the grate , and there was a down coverlet on the narrow cot bed .
20 There was no way of avoiding this , and since , after all , Willis had requested some kind of discussion of his own case , he scrupulously collected opinions .
21 But even before the establishment of the Karmal regime the USSR had acquired some control over the major military air base at Bagram near Kabul ; this was the base Soviet troops were initially airlifted into at the end of 1979 .
22 But Mala had gone some way towards the opposite .
23 He accepted that the JMU had had some teething problems , but pointed out that the audit monitoring process was still in its early days ; it was improving and would continue to improve with experience .
24 Hiv tae git you roon tae wir new flat in Wilton Street , listen to a few albums , smoke a few joints , Fat Freddy 's got some Moroccan in , really good stuff … toodle-oo ! ’ he gabbled .
25 China has shown some restraint in commenting on events in Eastern Europe and has made its views evident only in oblique ways .
26 China has shown some restraint in commenting on events in Eastern Europe and has made its views evident only in oblique ways .
27 Mr Anguita has knocked some discipline into a coalition of quarrelsome , microscopic Communist parties and renegades from the Socialist Party .
28 Although the statistical theory of Gibbs and de Marzio has had some success for polystyrene in predicting the variation of T2 with molecular weight , the variation of specific heat with temperature , it has met with criticism .
29 It was further established that Bacon had purchased some arsenic from a shop in Red Lion Square only days before , allegedly to kill rats .
30 However , Jim Turle , the director of communications at Lang brothers , said that while Mr Lamont had gone some way to redressing the balance , he had by no means levelled the playing field .
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