Example sentences of "[noun prp] and i [vb past] over " in BNC.

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1 Making our way through the crowds — great busloads of excited if baffled-looking Rajasthani villagers — Dr Jaffery and I passed over the moat and through the outer gate , part of the indecorous additional defences erected outside Shah Jehan 's fort by Aurangzeb .
2 Moreover , Dorothy 's Englishness was centuries old : among her cousins was one Charles Talbot — ‘ one of the Shakespear names ’ , she said — who owned a medieval abbey , ‘ and once Ezra and I crawled over the roof in a turret to see a copy of the Magna Charta , kept there in a glass case ’ .
3 Peter and I talked over the weekend .
4 The photographer had long since gone , but Kevin Seymour and I pored over the yacht 's considerable folio of charts while we discussed in detail the cruises that have been sketched in so lightly in the previous paragraphs .
5 But anyway , talking about engineering as a whole , quite obviously it 's interesting to go back a bit because I 'm always interested in the way the institutions actually started because er there 's a lovely story about er , the Stephenson brothers and tho , ju , having just come down from Scarborough on a mini-holiday we stopped at York and I went over a great big museum there , and quite obviously seeing the marvellous locomotives you realise that George Stevenson had er , a lot to do with that .
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