Example sentences of "[noun prp] and it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The last time such powers were used was to keep hippies away from Stonehenge and it is hoped the move will deter travellers from trying to camp at Castlemorton again .
2 Consideration by Ministers of the member states at the Research Council is likely to follow at the end of December and it is hoped that this will produce a ‘ common position ’ , that is agreement on the proposal possibly as amended in the light of the comments of the Parliament and of the advisory bodies to the Council .
3 The course was the first accountancy degree offered in Ireland and it is recognized by the accountancy bodies as a ‘ relevant degree ’ .
4 There is only one Animal Welfare Centre between Shetland and Inverness and it is based in Caithness .
5 Badger-baiting is at an all-time high in East and North Yorkshire and it is estimated that each year in Great Britain as many as 9,000 badgers meet a premature death .
6 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
7 Neighbourhood Watch The first step has been taken to form a neighbourhood watch in Foulis Crescent and it is hoped that Woodhall Avenue and Drive will set one in motion in the near future .
8 A long half-mile to the east , across a rising plateau , is the summit of Gragareth and it is reached only after a stumbling progress through untamed and unfriendly vegetation .
9 The House debates a Bill on Second Reading and it is passed by chance rather than as a benefit of the arguments .
10 Work is to start in October and it is expected to open in summer 1995 .
11 If a bank is not recognized , it can not use the word ‘ bank ’ in its title ( unless it is an overseas bank operating in the UK and it is made clear that it is using the title ‘ bank ’ because it is entitled to do so in its country of origin ) .
12 What happens if the income is paid to a person resident in the United Kingdom and it is paid so that it is received as taxable income in the hands of that beneficiary ?
13 India also has gas reserves off Bombay and it is planned to lay an 1800 km pipeline which will supply six fertiliser plants costing $3 billion — which are to be built with international support .
14 and if I did n't say it strong enough , as Angela 's done , it has given us a real basis to work on Don and it is appreciated .
15 There are records of it going back hundreds of years all across Europe and it is presumed it was based on fertility influences . ’
16 This approach was specifically rejected in Gledhow by Sellers LJ and it is submitted that he was right to do so .
17 The mermaid did indeed return to claim Lutey and it is said that every nine years hence , one of his descendants is lost at sea .
18 However , I can tell you that the title is The Life & Times Of Henry Pratt and it is set during the years 1936 to 1953 .
19 The princess , looking tanned and relaxed , led her sons into a waiting minibus when the party arrived in London and it is expected the boys will join their father this weekend .
20 The centre has most information and contacts on Europe and North America and it is working on those on the Indian subcontinent , Eastern Europe and Africa .
21 The aircraft is currently at Liberal being prepared for a ferry flight to Galveston and it is expected that the aircraft will be restored to full combat configuration .
22 Carew Mill is the only restores tidal mill in Wales and it is hoped it will produce flour again in the future .
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