Example sentences of "[noun prp] and it [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During the weeks directly afterwards he confided his distress in Keith Gregory and it established a strong bond between them .
2 During the Second World War Petwood was requisitioned by the R.A.F. and it became the Officer 's Mess for 617 Squadron , better known as ‘ The Dambusters ’ , after their bombings of the Mohne and Eder dams .
3 This building was the first great Byzantine church in Russia and it set the pattern for innumerable smaller churches .
4 This underlying concern still shapes Moscow 's attitude to bodies such as ASEAN and it expresses a growing resentment over the limitations of Moscow 's policy of military denial in the Third World in this decade .
5 This is Airspeed Oxford l G–AITF and it marks the return of an Oxbox to a area that once buzzed with them .
6 Cray Research Inc has taken a hit from Standard & Poor 's Corp , which lowered its subordinated debt rating to triple-B-minus from triple-B and it revised the ratings outlook to stable from negative , affecting about $106m of rated debt .
7 The latter 's called Imbuya , it comes from Brazil and it combines the rich orangey-brown colour of Brazilian rosewood with the kind of wildly complex grain pattern you sometimes see in American walnut .
8 ‘ I am not prepared for us to be a satellite of Middlesbrough and it appears the majority of Radio One programmes will be coming from Middlesbrough , ’ he said .
9 The boy 's eyes had been drawn out by the Soul Eater and it gave a dry , evil chuckle of triumph .
10 Mason 's was one of the largest machine-works in North Sydney and it had a large labour force .
11 Shortly after my return , the Governor was to make a tour of Central Burma and it seemed a great opportunity for me to gauge conditions outside Rangoon , so I was invited to accompany him .
12 Party meetings continued to be held at the Carlton and it played a greater part in holding the party together when the Liberal Unionists joined .
13 I had once had to witness Otto tackling a bundle in Paris and it left a lasting impression : of an elephant stripping bark .
14 The Wesleyan mission had been started in 1886 by the old boys of The Leys School as a settlement for the poor of Finsbury and it had the usual assortment of activities such as clubs , bands , and concerts .
15 But in those times Oz and It had a wave to ride , and they did their best to do so .
16 In London Oz and It had the field almost to themselves .
17 [ Drafted in 1986 , this was the first systematic revision of the terms of the post-war international settlement in Yugoslavia and it opened the way to the Great Serbian expansion which began in 1987 . ]
18 It resulted in a massive increase in government spending both in the United States and in Europe and it created a bipartisan consensus , a sense of political solidarity both domestically and among allies , in the pursuit of shared war aims .
19 Having set up a presence in the south east with representative offices in Japan , P&W felt confident enough to establish a bridgehead in Glasgow and it opened an office in the city last January .
20 Since then , more than 2,000 such home have been erected in the U.K. and it remains the company 's most popular product , available in 12 variations from the 1,000 sq ft Hatley to the 4,000 sq ft Abbotsley — an E-shaped stately home with potentially six bedrooms and a long gallery .
21 David Bowie came out properly in a blaze of obvious self-recreation — from Terry Nelhams through Andy Warhol and it touched every suburban heart .
22 The Poles filled every available truck and train with Silesian coal and sent it north ; for weeks a fine drifting cloud of coal-dust hung over Danzig and it seemed the port was to become a coal-opolis fit to rival Cardiff , the coal capital of the world .
23 What is noteworthy in the present context is that it was an initiative that was energetically directed by SED and it involved the preparation centrally of curriculum materials for every area of work .
24 It developed into the small , but well-endowed parish of St. John the Baptist in Bedford and it escaped the destruction and confiscation of property that was the lot of monasteries and most hospitals during the Reformation .
25 Australia , on the other hand , has moved rapidly away from its original location on the edge of Pangaea and it has the lowest mean elevation of the major continents .
26 ‘ Here I Am ’ is published with the authority of the Conference of Bishops of England and Wales and it presents the essential teaching of our Catholic faith .
27 Anyhow , we had open views over the Heath and Vale of Health and it made a lovely family home even if it was badly designed with a huge wasteful " well " in the middle of the house which had the advantage of enabling us to come downstairs in a series of flying leaps , holding on to tall mahogany pillars at the corners of the stairway .
28 It 's called FAXgrabber and it takes the fax and converts it into text which can be edited by any word-processor without the need for re-typing .
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