Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [pron] have be " in BNC.

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1 I took two and on Tuesday and it 's been fine since so God knows what 's gone wrong .
2 And and come in on the , he came on the Tuesday and he 's been three days a couple of weeks so
3 Then the first ‘ maid ’ they ever had was a girl of 16 called Mollie and she had been deserted by her husband and came to live in the house with three tots .
4 His name was Roberto Coloni and he had been in hospital following a bad fall in which he had broken his shoulder blade , forearm and two ribs , as well as suffering bad concussion , which had affected his hearing .
5 ‘ My friend Bernice and I have been trying to work out how to stabilize the moons , ’ he said .
6 And the beginning of Lucy and her had been lyrically beautiful , the stuff that dreams are made of .
7 For a number of years , my wife Ann and I have been fishing with a party of friends at Altnaharra .
8 From Fosse Contracts , ( ) , the Leicester based company , comes the Novacrylic , a surface which originates from the United States and which has been installed in the White House , no less .
9 A lead in volume of unit production was soon established by the United States and it has been maintained ever since .
10 And having confided in her , she discussed her troubles with Don Burrell , the Canadian with whom she had stayed when on a school exchange to the States and who had been like a second father since the death of her own .
11 Much of the glen is owned by NTS and there has been increasing adverse publicity recently over a vast upsurge in visitor numbers , the centre 's failure to stop indiscriminate car parking up and down the glen and increased mountain erosion .
12 ‘ The one consolation is that my husband Samuel and David and I have been invited to be in the audience when Go For It is filmed .
13 Valerie and I have been in a relationship for five years now .
14 Carson Buchanan , Alf Jacobson and I had been in charge of the arrangements and a liberal supply of liquid refreshment was on hand to demonstrate our hospitality as ‘ The Friendly City ’ .
15 Why , Edward and I have been planning it for days — it has done much to keep up his spirits ! ’
16 The closing of the launderette had given rise to a case in the County Court , in which Edward and she had been held not to blame , but had been conscious of the contempt of their solicitor , who always seemed to be in a great hurry .
17 He says that he is clean now ; Issy and him have been off the stuff for five whole days .
18 The Evesham Laboratory was set up to serve growers in the Vale of Evesham and it 's been taken away and Wolverhampton is quite out of the question .
19 ‘ Mrs. Bonnard and I have been to a concert in Aldeburgh . ’
20 Many years ago I came across the card in the Doll Museum in Wrexham and I 've been on the lookout for it every since . ’
21 Erm on the audit side both Karen and I have been round to all the branches in order to deal with our old equipment .
22 Both Frank and I had been telephoned , informed of remarks supposedly made by the other , and asked for our comments .
23 ‘ You know , Boyo , this is the start of our fifth day here in Normandy and we have been stuck in these bloody slit trenches having all kinds of shit thrown at us .
24 took the kids up a couple of times and then Mick and I have been up there with the
25 A word from Maud and he had been given one of the four coveted places as a dresser , which meant he had more chance to learn the great man 's skills .
26 ‘ Uncle Ross and I have been to see your mummy and daddy — and they are going to be just fine . ’
27 Nigel and I had been together , as the saying goes , for ten or more years , and as he was approaching sixty — at which age he proposed to retire , we had , for more than a year , spent many weekends searching the British Isles for a dwelling with water-power which , with Nigel 's expertise , would supply all our heating and lighting needs and , in Nigel 's words , ‘ free us from the vagaries of Scargill and the Oil Sheiks ’ .
28 Lindsey and Pete had started talking about having a baby when she was fourteen , and did so the following year : Pete and me had been together for eleven months and loved each other more than words could say .
29 In 1919 the first of the Rubies landed in Brazil and there have been regular importations ever since .
30 I could not see the female but , as I was raised to their shoulders , I caught a glimpse of my happy home , that cave where Elsbeth and I had been so content .
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