Example sentences of "[noun prp] and [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Gallup 's survey was conducted on Tuesday and yesterday among a sample of 2,478 voters .
2 Williams leaped for a header which dropped over Ian Walker and just under the bar — with the keeper finding he had taken one step too many off his line .
3 It was reported on Feb. 14 that Rudolf Slansky , a former member of the CPCz and subsequently of the dissident movement between 1969 and 1989 , had been named Czechoslovak ambassador to the Soviet Union .
4 The concentration of favour and rewards first upon Gaveston and then on the younger Despenser was bound to alienate those who did not share the benefits of intimacy with the king , and it could be represented , more disinterestedly , as a waste of royal resources .
5 Pete Bushell is the second Engine Driver , who before joining the railway in 1981 , worked as a British Rail Fireman on Steam Engines at Stafford and then as an Engine Driver at the Granville Pit , Donnington .
6 Resumption of power operations is scheduled by mid-September and apart from a further short shutdown to refuel early in 1994 , PFR will continue to generate electricity up until March 1994 .
7 There is a move by many environmental agencies both in Mexico and elsewhere for a return to traditional forms of agriculture , as they are considered to be better for the environment .
8 In two days at Snetterton , first in the company of Benetton 's Formula One driver Martin Brundle and then at the wheel of the Snetterton school 's racing cars , I found that the limits of my own prudence , dependability and , even , sanity were disturbingly slim .
9 Just do Wicken on a Tuesday you know , cut the meat as you go , not orders there and then on the Friday , George would go to Upware on a Friday and then on a Saturday we used to do the Fen round again , down Fen on the earth road at black , no concrete there just the black earth with ruts about that deep , some places , cos the Fen earth you li bulges out so and er my father used to go to Wicken Saturday afternoon .
10 In Walsall Wood erm as I say , we used to have er two big bags full on a Fri Friday and then in the week we could go up but you 've got your bread but , you know , yo the men would be , I can just picture them with their little , all this pretty coloured paper would all be in little piles and when there were no customers , they would be wrapping the rice , the raisins , the currants , all in these pretty papers you see and they knew , I mean you 'd ask them for currants and they never sort of knew , I did n't quite understand how they could pick by , it 'd be by the paper you see .
11 It was an open window looking out onto the wind-rippled waters of the Tigris and across to the Al Jumhuriyah and Al Ahrar bridges and over to the tower blocks of the foreign-money hotels .
12 I 'm Horace and I bring you greetings today from the Hundredth Bomb Group Association in the United States and particularly to the Hundredth Bomb Group Association in the United Kingdom with which many of you are associated .
13 That parties are coalitions of interests can be seen in both Britain and the United States and particularly in the latter .
14 What these various movements had in common was that they provoked confrontations , first in the [ United States and then to a lesser extent in Britain , which highlighted features of law and its enforcement that made academic , positivist criminology look ; extremely complacent and conservative .
15 He had come to national and international notice in June when , in interviews first with the United States and then with the Soviet press , and at a conference of the CPSU 's radical reformist Democratic Platform faction , he had alleged that , in collusion with the CPSU , the KGB was continuing illegal covert operations against Soviet citizens .
16 cos I said you 'll be here to midnight David and then on the day we were going he stopped me and Jane , little Jane , she was coming down the stairs behind me , I 'd been up for a fax , and I do n't know where she 'd been , she was behind me and as she come down the stairs I was listening and he said got her hand ooh he said I am gon na miss you my dear , so she said yes I 'll miss Hodems as well , he said you have got a way with your words have n't you , he said for one strange minute I thought you were gon na say you 'll miss me too
17 ‘ Perhaps it 's just as well , ’ murmured David and then in a quite different voice he said : ‘ Mama ! ’
18 She was mainly educated at home by governesses , and at school in Southport and later at the High School for Girls , Manchester .
19 The generation of meaning unintended by the author , in the reading process , is dependent on a structure of intended meaning : the Hilary-Joy equivalence in Small World , for instance , is brought into play partly by the percipience of A. S. Byatt and partly by the fact that that novel is by intention full of doubles and pairs and symmetries and heavily connotative names .
20 The Sunnis , adherents of the sunnah ( practice ) of Mohamed — the sayings ( hadith ) ascribed to the Prophet and other Islamic traditions — garnered their commercial power from their close association with the Mamelukes and then with the Ottoman Turks , an alliance based on their shared Sunni faith .
21 ( Internal evaluation with the involvement of parents and pupils encouraged , has been used in Queensland and elsewhere as a successful method of closing schools with community support .
22 Woodhill Spa developed an architectural elegance comparable to the best residential areas of Surrey and quite unlike the ancient rural architecture of most of the rest of Lincolnshire .
23 Well next spring , in May of next year , we 're looking to put a trip together to go to the northwest of the country , to Old Trafford , obviously er Manchester United 's home ground , also to Anfield and also to a couple of er other places that are n't sort of sporty but I 'm sure will interest you .
24 ‘ We worked very closely with them on the hardware configuration , first in Oslo and then on the boat in Singapore , checking that our resources were capable of what we wanted to do .
25 ‘ Your friend , she is not with you ? ’ he enquired , with a solicitous bob first at Dora and then towards the door .
26 The first of what promised to be a long series of show trials of former senior officials of the ousted Ceausescu regime ended on Feb. 2 when a military tribunal in Bucharest found Emil Bobu , Manea Manescu , Ion Dinca and Tudor Postelnicu guilty of " co-authorship of genocide " in connection with the killing of demonstrators in Timisoara , Bucharest and elsewhere at the start of the December 1989 revolution [ see pp. 37104-05 ] .
27 Irish monasteries were organised in close adherence to those in Egypt , Syria and elsewhere in the Mediterranean world outside Rome 's sphere of influence .
28 Yet , one of the catchwords that has been widely heard in Washington and elsewhere during the run up to the war has been the need to create a democratic environment in the Middle East after the war is over .
29 Eritrea 's struggle for its independence from Ethiopia has gone on , first against Haile Selassie and then against the Soviet-backed Mengistu regime , since 1952 , when the UN feebly handed over control of its Trust Territory to Addis Ababa .
30 Forests conjure up images of Robin Hood and here in the Great North version there are quarries , the odd colliery and open countryside .
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