Example sentences of "[noun prp] be in [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Eaton was in this car .
2 Such species as The Harlequin and Dwarf Rasbora are in this category .
3 Those three areas are : education , welfare and health , where over 18% of women in Northern Ireland are working ; this is where we find the women in the RVH ; in clerical and related jobs — a quarter of women in Northern Ireland are in that area ; and another 23% are in catering , cleaning and hairdressing .
4 Bee Moore , who worked in Westlands and was a sister of Paccy Moore the shoemaker , had heard that Eve was dead from horrible injuries and that Benny was in such shock she could n't be told .
5 If one accepts the statement that Hizir Bey was mufti in Istanbul , then it is natural to suppose that Molla Husrev succeeded him ; but as with Hizir Bey , so with Molla Husrev , there is no positive evidence , nor even any suggestive indication , that Molla Husrev was in any sense Mufti before his return from Bursa : there is nothing , in short , to suggest that he became Mufti in any way other than that reported by the .
6 Mr Goodman said if Laganside was in any doubt about the amount of sludge being dropped by the lorries a representative should be sent to watch them driving past .
7 This time Miss Havisham was in another room , which I had not seen before .
8 The Ayrshire land granted to Walter Fitzallan was in that part of the county still called Kyle , which is , roughly , the land between the rivers Irvine and Doon .
9 oh you missed Only Fools and Horses the other night , its the funniest one ever , its the one where Del was in this wine bar pretend to be a yuppy
10 Raybestos officials deny that the move to Ireland was in any way connected with the difficulties faced by producers of asbestos products in the US .
11 All my staffing costs for Smallwood are in that budget , and therefore I can promise Chair , that it would be extremely well examined .
12 Neither Coleridge nor the Wordsworths were in any doubt that ‘ The Ancient Mariner ’ was a work of great power and originality , a poem , as Coleridge later said , which could not be imitated .
13 Moreover , the right hon. Gentleman said in terms that neither Iraq nor Argentina was in any way deterred from attacking British interests by reason of our possession of a nuclear weapon .
14 ‘ I did n't know Mr Jacobsen was in this play until I arrived here today . ’
15 Nor can it be contended that this harsh judgement on Socrates was in any way typical of Athenian democracy 's attitudes towards its critics or even its enemies .
16 The pressure of events is pushing Lloyd 's in this direction .
17 Unigate and Allied Lyons have now joined Tarmac and Cadbury 's in this respect .
18 Look , if Lee is in some kind of trouble , I do n't care what it is , I 'm with her .
19 The tower of Babel was in all likelihood a multi-storeyed temple-tower , or ziggurat , similar to those developed in Babylonia in the early 3rd millennium BC .
20 Sheila Hancock was in that film too , as was Nanette Newman , both of whom told me how Ken would while away his time discussing the medical advances of which apparently the medical staff in the picture were not aware .
21 Less than half of the teachers in secondary schools in Solihull are in any degree familiar with their authority 's booklet for SSE and only one-tenth claim to know it well .
22 All the Leapors in Brackley are in this area .
23 It seems perfectly possible that the creation — or re-creation , if one accepts that Molla Edebali and Tursun Fakih were in some sense Muftis — of the office of Mufti to which Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan were appointed represents the first step in the creation of the office to which Fahreddin Acemi was appointed , a groping towards the concept which was fully realized in the office held by the latter .
24 Gabriel is in this house .
25 The Shogun is in any event protected by a three year unlimited mileage warranty .
26 ‘ I swear to God that Gabriel was in this room mending the television .
27 And his heart soared to wherever his Beth was in that moment .
28 He knew that Katelina van Borselen was in this city , along with the sister 's son of Simon , her husband , while alone in Nicosia was Primaflora , the lovely woman Nicholas had taken in marriage after Marian , the simple widow who had founded his fortune .
29 ‘ Gentlemen , I know some may suspect Mr Quinn was in some way involved in the death of Simon Cormack .
30 The impact of the Radway buildings was immediate , and from the mid-1740s onward Miller was in much demand among a wide circle of aristocratic friends and acquaintances for architectural advice and designs .
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