Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [not/n't] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 MPs were quick to grumble privately that Mr La Malfa is not under suspicion of being involved in million-dollar bribery networks allegedly run by the main parties for years .
2 Francis , flanked by secretary Graham Mackrell , who was waving the fax above his head , said : ‘ I did n't even refer the offer to my chairman because I have a mandate that David is not for sale .
3 The fact that the USSR produces two to three times as many machine tools as the United States is not without significance .
4 The increasing centrality of large corporations and the military in the political and social life of the United States is not in question , nor is the descriptive evidence presented by pluralists of this phenomena .
5 That Raskolnikov is not by nature timorous is the author 's assurance to his readers , dependable through nineteenthcentury novelistic convention .
6 Mollie 's nae for bedding .
7 So now the south east most of those depots that you 're looking at Cannock is n't in Cannock .
8 The need for additional secure places that can be accessed by Leicestershire is not at issue , what 's still be investigated is how a regional service meeting varying types of needs can be provided discussions are still taking place with Northamptonshire county council and into some other current secure unit provider authorities as to how best Leicestershire can work with other local authorities in the region towards this objective .
9 I really wish Marie was n't in Scotland .
10 But the conversation between Kelly Connor and Nick Morley was not of matters of the heart , but of life , death and horses .
11 If Richard was not at home with words , still less was he at home with questions of a personal nature .
12 Lucy was not at work the next day , Francis was writhing in voyeuristic anticipation , Jay was mute , and Access and Interflora were making easy money .
13 But I was surprised to discover on my first full day at Thornfield that Mrs Fairfax was not in fact the owner , as I had assumed , but the housekeeper , and that my new master was a Mr Rochester , who was often away from home .
14 Mr Spicer was not in Rye for the purpose of a seaside holiday .
15 By AD 500 , there were probably bananas in Madagascar , imported from Asia , though some authorities believe Madagascar was not in effect colonized by man until 500 years after that .
16 So Georgina was n't at home either . ’
17 Syria 's Information Minister Mohammad Salman said on Jan. 27 , however , that Syria was not in favour of an international peace conference " which would examine all the regional issues because there were no links between these issues " .
18 The Lamonts were n't at home .
19 Despite Swansea lodging a protest , the FA yesterday ruled that Exeter were not at fault for the abandonment .
20 The question of whether Fahreddin Acemi was teaching at the Darulhadis is not without importance , since if Mecdi 's statement is correct , it would provide evidence of a certain continuity in one of the distinctive functions of the later Muftilik , from the time of Ali Cemali on , namely that the Mufti taught in an important imperial medrese ( in the case of Ali Cemali and his successors , that of Bayezid II in Istanbul ) : it ought , of course , to be recalled In this connection that Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan may well , while Mufti , have been teaching at the Manastir ( Sultan Orhan ) medrese in Bursa .
21 But Casaubon is not without insight in his idea that the committed experimental philosopher may come to think that all areas of human concern and experience are legitimate grist to his mill .
22 Despite Cornwall 's strong rugby traditions , May is not from rugby stock .
23 ‘ The NHS is not for profit .
24 ‘ The NHS is not for sale ’ Virginia Bottomley talks to George Jones in her first interview since joining the Cabinet
25 ‘ Doctor Jekyll is not at home , ’ replied Mr Hyde .
26 Frank is n't at home , Azul 's unlisted , I try the local paper here but they ca n't or wo n't help and the airlines refuse to give out information on passengers .
27 Last week Alan was not in bed at nine o'clock ; he was watching the news with Geraldine .
28 Jessica had said , as they had dressed for dinner with her parents , that he would probably be mentioned , and Karen was not to corpse .
29 ‘ I got the impression Mrs Gray was not in favour of our work together . ’
30 The servant answered and told him that Doctor Jekyll was not at home .
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