Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [v-ing] of the " in BNC.

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1 As expected , the city continued to celebrate Friday 's joining of the E M S and fourteen per cent base rates .
2 John of Salisbury 's comment that not only the towns but also the fortresses of Gaul feared Henry I of England was revealing of the new situation .
3 Samuel was declaiming of the ‘ grave , pompous and awful being ’ with great zest when Sir Thomas himself arrived , clad as Bill Sikes , and with murder on his own mind to judge by his face when he took in Samuel 's performance .
4 Almost certainly Thomas Cromwell was thinking of the data assembled in 1522 when he estimated the nation 's wealth at £4 million , one-quarter of which was annual income from land , which should be multiplied by twenty — the customary rate of capitalisation — to effect a valid comparison with the three million comprised by the capital value of moveables .
5 Even the second movement of the Suite , which can sound merely hectic , has a musicality reinforcing the awareness that Schoenberg was thinking of the world of cabaret as much as of the classroom and counterpoint .
6 While no doubt Paul was thinking of the uncomplicated Christian message compared with the sophisticated philosophies of his day , and of the simple slaves and ordinary people who were joining the Christian family , he might have had the Lord 's background in mind as well .
7 She suspected that Mark was thinking of the West Indians who had come to live in the parish and of course that was very right .
8 Trying to repair the damage done to McKendrick 's positive face , he asks to be excused for his own inadequacies : Anderson 's upholding of the modesty maxim is augmented by the emphasis he puts on the sincerity of his apology ( the tonic syllable in the first sentence falling on " am " ) , stressing that he is fulfilling the felicity conditions ( Searle : 1969 ) for that speech act .
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