Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [adv] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Jeff 's just a little late in calling , that 's all . ’
2 Erm y'know even if it takes them quite a while to fill out y'know go through all eighty items y'know which could be erm y'know kind of , well depending how quickly they work y'know , sort of half an hour or something but if you if you get some er er a sort of type-written draft run off um I du n no , next Tuesday 's quite a quite a short deadline but maybe the Tuesday after that er we can try them on the first years if you like ?
3 THE ADAMS FAMILY Bryan Adams & Keith Scott Having spent what seemed like most of last year topping the UK charts Bryan Adams is now a fully fledged megastar .
4 But Tenma is still a relatively cheap and simple satellite , and Japan is looking to Britain for collaboration on its successor , Astro-C , due for launch in 1987 .
5 Earlier , my husband had been slumped in his chair , furtively picking his nose behind a detective story : now he was sitting upright , looking bright and alert and ten years younger , telling Flora that the Palais Jamai was a really marvellous old palace , an excellent example of Moorish architecture — Richard is often a little didactic .
6 Hardy was just a very kind old man . ’
7 Telemachus was already a thoroughly achieved work .
8 Sandra Fairfax was indeed a very pretty girl , and no doubt would marry young .
9 In summary , Tunguska was probably a fairly strong , dense , asteroid-like object , but probably not as strong or dense as iron .
10 Penny was usually a very bright and cheery Brownie , but she was finding the loss of her pet budgerigar very hard to bear .
11 Lizzie proved a very capable and caring mother and Kim is now a fully integrated member of the group — always on the go and with a distinctly extrovert personality .
12 The Tatry is just a little further off the High Street , situated on a wooded hillside overlooking Zakopane .
13 But , Lindsay is also a very good teacher .
14 Alan is usually a very even-tempered individual who has endless energy .
15 Fairclough is still a very good central defender especially when he is man marking .
16 While Graeme is certainly a very opinionated and forthright personality , he seemed more aloof from the players to me .
17 Browning is sometimes a little uneven .
18 Dorian Gray was still a very rich and fashionable man , and the dinners at his house were excellent .
19 As the Danzigers saw it , Gdynia was just a very expensive way of ruining them ; it proved just how hard-hearted and merciless the Poles could be , and that feeling helped to foster the growth of the Nazi Party in the Free City .
20 Reg was already a well respected backroom boy and came to the club from highflying Walborough Solid Fuel Albion .
21 Her actions reminded Seb that Melody was really a very simple soul , her emotions straightforward and uncluttered .
22 I think one of the main reasons why we would support the inclusion of a Policy erm E two in the structure plan is because North Yorkshire is adamantly a very rural area and therefore whatever happened in that rural area must be a strategic issue .
23 Speaking to the Darlington Branch of the Dyslexia Institute Mr Fallon , the town 's MP , said : ‘ Dyslexia is now a widely recognised term and more and more information is available to help those who are dyslexic . ’
24 Doyle , who has managed Hendry throughout his eight-year professional career , said : ‘ I think Stephen is now an extremely good bet for the world championship .
25 Crow Road is also a dingily respectable thoroughfare in Glasgow , and it is there that Prentice beds his uncle 's former lover , his own ‘ Aunty ’ Janice .
26 Norwood is now a fairly grubby inner London area , but when Camille Pissarro lived there in 1870 it was the very edge of the city , combining townscape and country in a way that Pissarro found particularly attractive ( he lived and worked on the outskirts of Paris for most of his career ) .
27 Donkey Lane is thus a potentially very useful link .
28 " This same Mr. Wilson is now a very distinguished gentleman .
29 This is most evident in the gentrified housing developments on the quays and in Dockwray Square ( now River View , because although Dockwray Square was originally a very posh Georgian development , its pseudo Georgian replacement has to shed the image of a public sector slum ) .
30 Kate pointed out that Stephen was always a little on the silent side .
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