Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But Swindon are satisfied with the outcome .
2 Milan design duo Dolce e Gabbana are responsible for the latest pin-up girl collection from Italy .
3 Both Mota and Pedrosa are confident of the outcome .
4 The troubles of kidnapped , intimidated Craw are central to the book but not in the usual romantic way , in spite of the Jacobite overtones of the plot and the brief appearance of the Republican leader , the Communist Mastrovin , ‘ the most subtle and dangerous mind in Europe today ’ .
5 Most of us are happy hitting within a minute of an ETA , of course , but the various equations and rules of thumb used by the RAF are familiar to the private pilot .
6 I know he and Ivor are interested in the same period . ’
7 I think people in Hereford are worried about the poll tax .
8 Cardiff are top of the Heineken league and , if they beat Whitley at the Sheffield Arena , they will be on course for a grand slam of domestic titles .
9 Analysts Alan Marshall and Christine Baker are impressed by the 20-well drilling programme for next year .
10 Art dealers are looking for quality work and if the dispirited pastiches I came across in the East End are representative of the best on offer this is clearly going to be an increasingly difficult task .
11 Victorian girls ' names like Emma , Daisy , Rose and Jessica are popular at the moment , as are biblical names — Benjamin , Adam , Samuel , Rebecca and Rachel .
12 FAMILY AFFAIR : Sara and father-in-law Jim are clinch-perfect as the lovers
13 Generally , children are already selected for their communication ability , but although Hegarty , Pocklington and Lucas are optimistic about the provision they describe , it is clear that in language and interaction there are problems .
14 The Masai are one of the largest tribes in Kenya and to many of the people Jesus is unknown .
15 Tranmere are one of the more difficult teams to beat in the division and it will be a tremendous task to come away from there with anything , ’ he said .
16 Bali , Sri Lanka and Las Vegas are some of the wild and wonderful destinations featured in the Distant Dreams brochure .
17 Orrell are top of the first division … but then again there are n't many easy matches to be had when you look at the other ties
18 Fundamentalist groups in Pakistan are hostile to the Bombay film industry , believing that shows featuring women desecrate Islam .
19 Arsenal are bottom of the new Premier-League along with Manchester United , urgently needing Ian Wright and Merson back to full fitness and goal-scoring potential .
20 Workers about to be made redundant at Kington are pessimistic about the chances of finding another job :
21 There are 3,000 varieties , but you need only remember a few of them : Chardonnay , Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are some of the most common examples .
22 Methylated Gs are involved in the specific protein-oligonucleotide binding
23 Desire , Christianity and colonial power on the Carribean island of Curacao are some of the themes of the stunning AVA & GABRIEL .
24 When a referral request from other parts of the Borders is received the GPs of Jedburgh are involved with the assessment and , if agreeable to the admission , will assume primary health care responsibility .
25 We who have been classed as ‘ image-makers ’ in Europe and the United States are proud of the job we do .
26 In fact , something amazing happened when Elizabeth arrived : the offices of the liberal newspaper NRC Handelsblad are next to the Royal Palace .
27 The meeting was unable to reach a consensus on requests by some members that the government of Bosnia-Hercegovina be exempt from the arms embargo applied to the area [ see also p. 39240 ] , In a compromise , the final declaration noted these requests and called on the UN Security Council to continue to consider the question .
28 He alleged that both he and Gotti were present at the murder of former Gambino family boss , " Big Paul " Castellano and his bodyguard on Dec. 16 , 1985 , in Manhattan .
29 Marx and Engels were concerned with the emergence and development of capitalist relations of production and with the crises occasioned by the contradictions inherent in capitalist property relations and political rights .
30 I n the background she could hear Brassard being soothing on the phone : ‘ Of course , Ron …
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