Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , residents in Goddard Avenue are glad that the excavation is complete and grateful to the police for keeping disruption to a minimum .
2 According to some papers , Lazio are annoyed that the England international jetted out of Rome on Sunday to visit EuroDisney with his girlfriend — particularly as he was judged not fit enough to play against Torino because of 'flu .
3 Both Iraq and Syria are worried that a huge Turkish dam project on the river will hit their water supply , and have accused Ankara of ‘ using the water weapon ’ .
4 Marx and Engels were convinced that the capitalist mode of production , even without ruling class policy , systematically engenders false perceptions amongst the individuals within specific class locations .
5 Landowners along the proposed routes from Lackenby to Picton and Picton to Shipton were worried that a planning blight would affect a large swathe of their land until the outcome of the inquiry was known .
6 The plays were about oppression , and producer Innes Lloyd and director Claude Whatham were anxious that a large audience should be made aware of the plight of Czech dissidents such as Havel .
7 Hilton is aware that the Incarnation must always be the starting-point for reforming in feeling , and only through the processes of faith and penance for the sins which deform the body of Christ can the soul come to see the reality of the being of God in man — Christ : It is this ghostly love that the soul glimpses in the darkness , and in doing so experiences the reality of the resurrected and ascended Christ who comes to man in the Holy Spirit and completes the story of the Incarnation .
8 This secures work for 55 employees for the next four years and David is delighted that the council recognised its own catering organisation as providing best value for money .
9 Although the current climate of education cut-backs and competition from a large variety of exercise classes presents a considerable challenge to the development of Medau , Pat is sure that the Grant Aid Programme , which she has been appointed to implement , has strengthened the foundations on which the Medau family can build .
10 Those of us who have fought those of us who have fought still have one job we can do and that is to see that the military capability of the United States is such that no potential aggressor will ever dare attack us .
11 The section to the next town of Shanklin is built-up but the route improves dramatically on the way to and out of Ventnor .
12 Indeed for some the distance between their home and Plymouth is longer than the journey from London to Bristol .
13 Johnny is stronger than the other doctors , the brothers , the sisters .
14 As is clear from the above , Giddens 's querying of Freud is more than a pedantic concentration on sloppy terminology .
15 Professor Burney is certain that the same dagger was used in another case recently . ’
16 Arthur Stephenson was 22-years-old and the sight of the tragic woman 's corpse has haunted him .
17 During the first months of war life in Fontanellato was uneventful and the fighting seemed far away .
18 George Burt was delighted that the Club had come to Swanage .
19 Vaguely Meredith was aware that the protesters and the other surrounding crowd members had parted like the waves of the Red Sea , falling back on either side leaving Harriet , Blazer and the protester isolated .
20 Ceauşescu was aware that the ‘ moulding of the new man , the human prototype of communism , can not be accomplished within one , or several , five year periods ’ .
21 Although slow and the wrong side of 43 , ‘ Gabby ’ Hinton was classy and a strong believer in football and family entertainment .
22 She was still mad at Lucy for something , and Lucy was sure that a little time and concentration would tell her what … but for the moment , somehow , the knowledge was just out of reach .
23 Manley was aware that the high cost of modern anaesthetic apparatus was often prohibitive for hospitals in developing countries , and at the time of his death he was working on a prototype of an inexpensive , but effective ventilator for the Third World .
24 The French novelist Honoré de Balzac was convinced that the quality of his writing was directly related to the amount of sperm he retained in his body .
25 Friday was bright albeit the wind was somewhat stronger and it was colder .
26 In his public pronouncements at least , Aragon was convinced that the Nazi-Soviet pact did not invalidate the mutual assistance treaties in existence between France and Poland on the one hand , and France and the Soviet Union on the other .
27 The Brontosaurus , for example , was big as well as being a herbivore , and T. Rex was big but a carnivore .
28 His servant protested but Corbett was adamant so the young man prepared to leave .
29 Not having worked on a Dalek story since the first one , Cusick was concerned that the creatures were apparently mobile outside their metal cities without any explanation as to how they were picking up power .
30 With little experience of Visual Effects construction techniques , Cusick was concerned lest the labour fees involved ( the costliest part of any Effects job ) would make his drawings cost-impractical .
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