Example sentences of "[noun prp] be [verb] over the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm so glad to have met you , ’ Anneliese was saying over the chatter and hubbub of the party , one-year-old Christian in her arms .
2 The government and the ANC are bickering over the preconditions for negotiation — matters such as the bringing home of exiles and the release of political prisoners .
3 The VAS were averaged over the first 3 days of admission ( any patient with data missing was omitted from the analysis ) and these means compared by Mann-Whitney U tests .
4 The great abbeys established as a thank-offering by the victorious Normans were complemented over the next four hundred years by a number of smaller foundations , dictated by the tenets of fashion and individual piety .
5 While a large number of the items taken from Germany are held in special State-run storage facilities and are easy to work with , the majority of works removed from Russia were scattered over the world in the post-war period ’ .
6 By Easter Eva was presiding over the annual weekend houseparty of the nurses ' fellowship .
7 Time and again Gould was lowered over the side of the ship in a little dinghy at the command of the accommodating Captain , by name , appropriately , of Mallard , where he floated happily for hours among his birds .
8 The yellow and blue republican flag of Ukraine was raised over the Supreme Soviet building in place of the Ukrainian Soviet flag , to the delight of demonstrators outside .
9 I only said that to annoy her as Fenella was leaning over the staircase banister to fix some tinsel with double-sided tape and one more inch and she need n't have bothered wearing a skirt at all .
10 Tom Tedder and Corbett Farraday were muttering by the door which led into the main school ; the headmaster , towering yet crumpled , was surrounded by a little group of teachers in the centre of his hall ; and by the door leading to the boarding quarters Mrs Crumwallis was going over the events of the night before with her cook , Mrs Garfitt .
11 By the time Tom reached the house and shovelled his way to the door , Seb and Carrie were both fully dressed and Carrie was bending over the fire , coaxing life from the embers as she prepared breakfast .
12 Mrs Fletcher was bending over the last of a bed of weeds , hoping finally to rid herself of them before her husband returned from the potato harvesting .
13 Is he aware of the work that the Scottish Knitwear Council has been doing with departmental officials showing that in 1990 a total of 123,000 knitted garments in cashmere coming from China were dumped over the quota agreed ?
14 Schoolchildren in the US and the UK were linked over the system as they used their personal computers for discussion of the environment .
15 This results in the DH being reached over the field with little hope of seeing anything in marginal conditions .
16 She woke in a strange room , facing a dressing-table with a scarf just like Geoffrey 's draped over the mirror .
17 Georgia was bent over the basin , throwing up .
18 John Byrne , in The Headhunters , describes the British Steel search in detail : more than a hundred candidates from Europe , North America , South Africa and Australia were interviewed over the course of ten months .
19 He wants to appeal to anyone who knows what Mr Garvey was doing over the 4 days to contact the police .
20 When Annie got home , Mike was sprawled over the couch watching telly .
21 A furious row broke out and in the confusion Modigliani got the blame and poor Simone was cut over the eye with broken glass and scarred for life .
22 Walter Carew was hunched over the ledger , writing away .
23 He closed his book with a snap and looked past Hari to where Craig was bending over the fire .
24 Genesis 1:2 , 5 , ‘ the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters ’ may indicate a creative function for the Spirit , but may equally describe the chaos referred to in the earlier part of that verse , ‘ the earth was without form and void , and darkness was upon the face of the water ’ : and ‘ a ruach adonai , a mighty hurricane from God , was moving over the expanse of the unruly waters ’ may be a better translation .
25 There was a struggle and Mr Cotterell was hit over the back of the head .
26 She 's used you before , to get her stuff back , to establish an alibi for when Jack was going over the wall .
27 Ahead of us I could hear the noise of the waterfall — there had been plenty of rain and when we arrived at the foss , the beck that eventually joins the Ure to travel down Wensleydale was hammering over the lip of the force .
28 Most Christian churches in Britain were built over the original sacred sites at these points .
29 FOUR people arrested during a raid by drugs squad officers on a house in Colchester were released over the weekend .
30 Alfred was nowhere to be seen , Emily and Heinrich were bickering over the mayonnaise , and James Pegg and Alice were silently working together on a salad .
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