Example sentences of "[noun prp] as she [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Jay followed Lucy as she put her coat on and went into the street .
2 Once again Royal show fashions ranged between formal-summer-outfit-with-hat to skimpy suntop and shorts , but the lady who turned the most heads at the show was probably international visitor Isha Kamara as she made her stately progress around the show bearing her bag upon her head .
3 Disgust rose in Theda as she made her way along the gallery .
4 In any case the following Monday as she scrubbed her sister 's floors this aristocratic Cinderella had to pinch herself to make sure that her weekend was not some idle pipe-dream .
5 Liz had never admired , and had at times expressed somewhat freely ( and in her own view wittily ) her lack of response to Henrietta 's frigid style and vapid conversation , but nevertheless felt herself , in Henrietta 's presence , rendered almost as dull as Henrietta , and moreover uneasily aware that in other houses , in other milieux , at a distance , in other circles , she had seen Henrietta sparkling , laughing , surrounded by life — vacuous life , feverish small talk , no doubt , but life — a life that froze in Liz as she contemplated her guest 's stiff blue taffeta gown ( this was surely a gown , not a dress , and , not even English , probably French ) , her exposed white bosom , her diamond necklace ( well , probably diamonds , why not ? ) , her high white forehead , her thin dark-red lips .
6 I do n't want to know , I wo n't know said Sally as she put her hands put out her hands as if she was fending Daryl off , I hate you Daryl Rivers , you with , you with your mother who comes to see you often , sends you things and writes you long letters and comes to see you .
7 ‘ Pah ! ’ burst from Araminta as she found her tongue .
8 Bourgois approached Lizzie Lamplugh as she parked her car outside her home in Oxford , Mr David Bright , prosecuting , said .
9 ‘ An ’ I told himself to empty it this morning' , ’ muttered Nessie as she made her way out .
10 I am writing to congratulate Steffi Graf on her win at Brighton as she displayed her tremendous strength by coming back from a set and 2–4 down in the second to win 5–7 6–4 6–1 , and lift the title for a record 5th time .
11 Just as Lydia had gradually grown fond of Betty as she recognised her good qualities , so Betty realising how reprehensible Lydia could be liked her less .
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