Example sentences of "[noun prp] as he [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Those noises ! ’ gasped Edgar as he reeled into the corridor .
2 It 's a very personal way of thinking and writing which we have encountered several times already , and which now , twenty-seven years after that letter to his brother , appears most insistently with Raskolnikov as he Paused for a moment to take breath , to collect himself , and to enter as a man ’ and tell the police who it was killed the old money-lender and her sister .
3 For the last few days of her life Julia lay in a drugged sleep , free from pain and still managing a faint smile for Pat as he hung over her , gripping her hand .
4 JOHN MAJOR , the Foreign Secretary , yesterday announced the setting up of a £25m aid fund for Hungary as he set before the conference what he called a ‘ common sense ’ approach for Conservatives in Europe .
5 Police grab Roberts as he leans in a window to talk
6 As a study in manipulation , it is a vintage piece of caricature and ensures the reader 's continuing sympathy for Richard as he fumbles toward love and sanity with his dark-haired poetess .
7 Stella Jones with her son Anthony as he recovers in Alder Hey Hospital from the rottweiler ordeal
8 ‘ Ward , ’ Spatz said coldly , matter-of-factly , not even glancing at Kim as he sat behind his desk .
9 Dusty Hare , true , played as well for England as he did for his club , and deserved to win even more than his 25 caps .
10 The superstar took over the lakeside complex at Snagov as he prepares for a sell-out concert in Bucharest tomorrow .
11 St Ives swore he distinctly heard the strains of Come Back to Sorrento as he came round the bend of the stairs .
12 Poolside attendants grabbed Robert as he struggled under the surface , dragged him to the side and gave the kiss of life .
13 It 'll have a special winter flavour and feature Amos Chatfield as he talks about Christmases past and his boyhood encounter with the ghost of Stanmer Woods .
14 Lester Piggott as he recovered from a racing fall .
15 ‘ That Olivera office opposite , ’ he said to Helen as he walked into the office — ‘ what sort of place is it ? ’
16 ‘ And vice versa , ’ said David Arrowsmith as he scrambled towards her .
17 I admire her because she is an actress who can also sing and I think she has a wonderful personality , ’ said Mr Hipkiss as he stood with 1,500 screaming fans outside the city 's Ritzy nightclub .
18 In a moment of madness Rosenoir kicked Alan Kernaghan as he lay on the ground .
19 He kicked Alan Kernaghan as he lay on the ground .
20 ( Luke : Luke includes a story about some women who wept for Jesus as he walked on his way to the crucifixion .
21 The agony of his death confronted Jesus as he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane .
22 Melody grabbed Seb as he leaned to one side and began side-stepping towards the blazing wood-fire .
23 ‘ Today , ’ he said solemnly , ‘ Mr Wilson , or Yusuf Khan as he likes to be sometimes known , is going to tell us how and why he became a Muslim . ’
24 I closed my books and watched Professor Tilsey as he pottered towards the door .
25 Less than ten yards away from Harry as he waited for the Swindon train , the same man stood examining paperbacks on a bookstall .
26 The couple , struggling to put marriage problems behind them , were pictured together only once — sitting on either side of Harry as he arrived at £7,500-a-year Ludgrove prep school in the back of a royal Jaguar .
27 He brushed against Harry as he emerged from the shop , but uttered no apology , as if he was too irritated to have noticed .
28 She glared at Hank as he stood by the front door ready to open it for the paper 's representatives , and tried not to scream while these gentlemen put on their boots again .
29 ‘ Slade Alive ’ , what a brilliant album ! ’ gleams Gordon as he digs in early-'70s ' vinyl from behind a mound of Elvis ashtrays .
30 ‘ Slade Alive ’ , what a brilliant album ! ’ gleams Gordon as he digs in early-'70s ' vinyl from behind a mound of Elvis ashtrays .
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