Example sentences of "[noun prp] as [num] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Devoy would surely count her match against Jackman as one of the most demanding she has experienced during her long reign as the world 's leading player , while Jackman , who was unlucky not to win the second game , pronounced herself happy with her performance .
2 ‘ He rates Richard as one of the best central defenders in the world after his performances in the European Championship finals . ’
3 In ‘ 87 , Nick had been in Athens as one of the team that lured Fawaz Younis to a boat out of territorial waters , and put the handcuffs on him , and read him the charges of Air Piracy and placing a destructive device aboard an aircraft and committing violence aboard an aircraft and aiding and abetting a hijacking .
4 In fact , it was not as bad as some correspondents — and the Sunday Telegraph , which described NSS as one of the ‘ election losers ’ — seemed to think .
5 In February , the Stuttgart Classic takes its place along with Hamburg as one of the $1m ( £625,000 ) stops on the ATP Tour , adding to a growing list of reasons why West Germany is rapidly becoming the focal point of world tennis .
6 Coventry was chosen by Lord Reith as one of a handful of cities to be used as a prototype of large-scale urban planning .
7 This time round they were told they would not be able to enter the National Federation of Meat Traders bi-annual sausage competition at Harrogate as one of the sponsors , the Meat and Livestock Commission , held that they only provided sponsorship for mainland competitors .
8 The Middle East Economic Digest of Feb. 15 reported that the European Communities ( EC ) had also allocated a grant of ECU150,000,000 ( about US$207,000,000 ) to Jordan as one of the countries most affected by the Gulf War , and during a visit by Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher on Feb. 14 [ see p. 37989 ] Germany agreed to provide further aid .
9 In June Prince Sihanouk replaced Chausen Kosal as one of the two Sihanoukist representatives [ see p. 38293 ] .
10 In the following year , the Institute was formally inaugurated on 15th June , with Donaldson as one of the Honorary Secretaries , and Earl de Grey as the President .
11 But are we left with a view of God as one of the actors on the world stage in the manner of the pagan gods , a benign Zeus who ‘ comes down ’ from Olympus to perform what is morally uplifting on earth ?
12 PIETER MULLER from South Africa — mentioned in those pages by John Robbie as one of the future ‘ hopes ’ when the Springboks are back on the international scene — is starring in the centre for GREYSTONES , Robbie 's former Irish club , in the AIL second division .
13 The Geordie who moved from Newcastle to Nottingham so he could regularly fish the Trent is rated by Frank Barlow as one of the country 's best float anglers — and accolades do n't come much higher than that !
14 ‘ Greetings , ’ Lexandro addressed Tezla as one of the apish customized Servitors licked the Blood Drinker with its long tongue .
15 Richard Elliott , the Headmaster , chose Francis as one of the first pupil teachers , and in due course promoted him to the position of junior teacher at the Margate branch of the Asylum .
16 Deaths : General Albert Wedemeyer who died on Sunday aged 92 was described by John Keegan as one of the most intellectual and farsighted military minds America produced .
17 By selecting Tadchester as one of the new Development Zones the government plans to encourage new industry in the area .
18 Colman 's film credits are a roll-call of Hollywood movies at their prewar and most Anglophile best : Bulldog Drummond ( 1929 ) , Raffles ( 1930 ) , Cynara ( 1932 ) , Clive of India ( 1935 ) , A Tale of Two Cities ( 1935 ) , Under Two Flags ( 1936 ) , Lost Horizon ( 1937 ) , and The Prisoner of Zenda ( 1937 ) , all establishing Colman as one of the richest and most reliable of the Hollywood raj , the man on whom a whole later generation of expatriates , led by David Niven [ q.v. ] , modelled themselves and their officer-and-gentlemanly acting careers .
19 The role of the City of London as one of the world 's three leading financial centres is widely acknowledged .
20 He established Swindon as one of the most skilful sides outside the top flight before a frustrating switch to Tyneside .
21 IAN BOTHAM yesterday blamed the dropping of David Gower as one of the main reasons why England have lost the Test series against India .
22 Carling said : ‘ I admired Gerber as one of the world 's great centres long before I ever dreamed I would pull on an England shirt .
23 And he added to the problems confronting new Welsh Secretary John Redwood by referring to Wales as one of the ‘ isolated fortresses ’ held by the Tory Right in the Government .
24 M&S will join Texaco as one of the big-name occupiers of Canary Wharf , and Olympia&York says it expects to announce several other tenants shortly .
25 M&S will join Texaco as one of the big-name occupiers of Canary Wharf , and Olympia&York says it expects to announce several other tenants shortly .
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