Example sentences of "[noun prp] but [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Regional Council president Gérard Longuet has been holding discussions on this agreement since June not only with Les Verts but also with Génération Ecologie , two of whose six representatives also announced their support for his administration .
2 It is a system where a reasonably educated person would have heard of Homer but never of Kalidas , of Ibsen but rarely of Tagore , of Joan of Arc but not of the Rani of Jhansi ( another woman who took arms to try to drive the British out of her country ) , of Goethe but not of his contemporary the great Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib .
3 Kendall ( 1975 ) draws a contrast between continental European unions and those not only in the United States but also in Britain , unlike many observers who regard the latter two countries as displaying important similarities .
4 Certainly , considerable changes in the investigation of menstrual disorder have occurred not only in the United States but also in parts of the United Kingdom .
5 The turnabout is expected to be seen as disastrous news by purists — not only in the United States but here in Britain , because of the speed with which language fashions cross the Atlantic .
6 I 'm not always very good at saying what I mean , except at work , that is ; I 've been to Europe and the States but never to Nineveh and Distant Ophir ; I do n't have much time — literally — for the arts , though I 'm not against them in any way , you understand ( sometimes there 's a nice concert on the car radio ; like most people I read a book or two on holiday ) ; and I do n't give much of a thought to my clothes beyond looking smart at work and feeling comfortable when I get home .
7 In this way , the firm 's managers were able to obtain influence over the banks , not only in Bihać but also in Sarajevo .
8 It all began for Andy in the mid seventies when he staged international ‘ spectaculars ’ and England matches , mostly at Crystal Palace but also at Gateshead .
9 Painted a great deal in the environs of Falmouth but also in Brittany , the Loire valley , and the Greek islands …
10 By 1988 licences for gold prospecting had been issued not only for Connemara but also in counties Cavan , Kerry , Monaghan , Tipperary and Wicklow .
11 Parliament was a vast clearing house for the grievances of the king 's subjects , not just in England but also in Ireland and Scotland , and in Gascony and the Channel Islands .
12 Die links have shown that a group of pennies in the name of the English King Aethelred II and mint names of Chester , Chichester , Lincoln , London and York were in fact struck at one place , which is not located in England but perhaps in Scandinavia .
13 We fished off the southern coast of Iceland but never in sight of the mainland ; all we saw of land was the Hvalsbakur or Whale 's Back , a single forbidding rock sixteen feet high , visible from ten miles away in clear weather .
14 They provided education for some 621,000 children , 6.8 % of the total school population ( less in Wales and Scotland but more in Northern Ireland , where voluntary grammar schools are included ) ( Government Statistical Service , 1989 , Tables 2 and 14 ) .
15 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
16 This marks the site of the Chapel of St Matthew built by Kaňka but only in existence until the 1790s .
17 The second is that it is in relation to this period that one finds a quite separate account of the origins of the Muftilik advanced , namely Katib Celebi 's view that the office originated not with Molla Fenari in Bursa or Fahreddin Acemi in Edirne but rather with Hizir Bey in Istanbul , the Muftilik being for his tenure , and for some time alter , a to the post of kadi of Istanbul , of which he was the first holder .
18 Imports into Australia today are legion , coming not only from the UK and Germany but also from Finland , Italy and the USA .
19 Is not the reputation of having written an opera for the Viennese theatre the best way to enhance one 's credit not only in Germany but also in Italy ?
20 Mr Furness , who is based in Germany but home on leave , was taken to Chesterfield Royal Hospital .
21 The other major exhibition of ‘ Any Miró ’ , incorporating many paintings and drawings selected by the Fundacio Joan Miró but also including sculpture , ceramics , prints and illustrated books .
22 Within a year Cotter 's union was accepted by the Board of Trade as having more than 3,600 members and within two he was claiming 15,000 , mostly in Liverpool but also in Southampton , though a more likely figure was about 9,000 .
23 Report to Liverpool but only for transport .
24 The French government was also criticised , in particular by the UK but also by Denmark and by the EC Commission , for pursuing its own " freelance diplomacy " in search of a solution to the crisis .
25 But even in metal-using industries leadership has been lost not only by the UK but also by Europe .
26 Major privatization programmes are under way not only in the UK but also in countries as different as France , Japan , Taiwan , Mexico , Poland , and Hungary .
27 He was very much loved by his owner Gordon ( who was tragically to die quite young ) but Hasso 's blood was to produce some very good animals , not only in the UK but also in Australia , America and Canada .
28 It is too early to estimate the value of this dog at stud in Scandinavia , but the litter sired in the UK has produced winners at Championship Show level , not only in the UK but also in Australia and Norway itself , for one of his sons Jagen Blue Brutally Handsome , was exported to Norway to the kennel of Mr T Lindstrome prior to Kolja 's arrival in Norway .
29 From June onwards French farmers driven to the brink of bankruptcy by falling meat prices took violent action to try to stop imports of foreign lamb and beef , mainly from the United Kingdom but also from Belgium , the Netherlands and West Germany .
30 The likes of Gordon Brown , Tony Blair , John Smith and Martin O'Neill have made good impressions , though Neil Kinnock , who got on famously badly with Ronald Reagan but adequately with Mr Bush , is still often referred to by the few Americans who pay any attention to British politics as ‘ the Welsh windbag ’ .
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