Example sentences of "[noun prp] 's [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 He said on the old shillings I want Neil 's bed but it were n't that cos he 's bit of a fun to , you know , you know
2 I remember Marie 's face when it was all bashed up .
3 The sole justification for Mustakimzade 's argument as it stands appears to be that Taskopruzade does not in fact use either the term as in the case of Molla Fenari , or simply the term mufti , as in the case of Fahreddin Acemi , saying rather that " the headship of teaching and of fetva and the office of the kadilik fell ultimately to [ Molla Yegan ] alter Molla Shams al-Din al-Fenari " .
4 The other interesting news was Norsk Hydro 's announcement that it planned to buy DnC 's 9 per cent stake in Saga Petroleum .
5 A robotic dispenser arm was whirring nervously and jabbing into Bernice 's neck as it tried to locate an item that was n't there from a shelf that had been removed .
6 and then on top of that he took the battery off Pat 's car and it fell over in the front so all the acid burnt the carpet !
7 The new agreement means that wines and spirits will now be a significant part of PTGI 's portfolio and it offers excellent potential for future growth as tourism develops in Bali , Lombok and Indonesia 's other tourist destinations .
8 The smile slipped from Millie 's face and it was a moment before she responded : ‘ Yes , yes I 've been lucky . ’
9 The relatively well off , the ‘ best people ’ of the provinces , therefore , welcomed Ivan 's proposal and it appears to have been widely implemented .
10 She flinched at the outraged disbelief in Barney 's expression and it took some courage to say what she had to say .
11 On receipt of the summons , he sent a copy to Edward ( who was in Wales ) , and immediately wrote to the nobles and communes of the duchy , ordering them to prepare themselves to serve ‘ with arms and horses ’ ( cum armis et equis ) , and to make ready so that they might obey Edward 's command when it was known .
12 The names on the Warwickshire team sheet are changing , and Bob Cottam 's statement that it 'll take five years to get it right is looking accurate .
13 The grant was perhaps intended to give Gloucester a suitable income when he entered Warwick 's household and it may be no coincidence that the sum involved was exactly that which Edward later granted the earl towards the duke 's expenses .
14 The grant was perhaps intended to give Gloucester a suitable income when he entered Warwick 's household and it may be no coincidence that the sum involved was exactly that which Edward later granted the earl towards the duke 's expenses .
15 The preoccupation with the establishment and maintenance of civilisation and true religion is a central feature of Spenser 's poem as it is with his political tract .
16 The English public knows little of de Pomiane 's work and it is missing something of great value .
17 Syria 's response that it ‘ can not control what goes on in the Bekaa ’ and that Turkey ‘ should first try to solve the Kurdish problem within its own borders ’ has served only to confirm Turkish suspicions about Syrian intentions .
18 Hence although corpus analysis will play an increasingly important role , it is Briscoe 's belief that it will not supplant others or render more theoretical work irrelevant .
19 Dans le labyrinthe ( 1959 ) was the first of Robbe-Grillet 's novels not to have a tangible focalization , unless we accept Morrissette 's interpretation that it dramatizes the attempts of a delirious narrator to construct a text from objects around him .
20 Since the very basis of the Technique rests upon Alexander 's discovery that it was impossible to separate the physical , emotional and mental states from each other , then it follows that the way in which we use our bodies will , in turn , alter the way in which we think and how we feel emotionally .
21 It 's more of an English tweed suit of a butterfly than a Sultan 's robe but it has its own uniqueness and beauty .
22 Afterwards he stood there beside the wall , staring at Sung 's body where it lay , face down on the edge of the field of water-chestnuts .
23 Zhukov 's display of loyalty did not soften Party thinking on the subject , and the Chief Political Directorate ( the political arm of the Armed Forces ) stood its ground with greater determination after Zhukov 's intervention than it had before .
24 ‘ I see no prospect of improvement in the North 's economy and it seems ridiculous to talk about an upturn .
25 Indeed , the companies have been at pains to demonstrate the technology 's feasibility : the CeBit show saw a demonstration of isoEnet in action on NatSemi 's stand and it has published a White Paper on it .
26 Every night the footman on duty had to place a bottle of the best champagne by the side of Mr Field 's bed and it was invariably empty by the morning .
27 Hanson yesterday began the break-up of the Consolidated Gold Field 's empire when it sold ARC Construction to its management for £6.3million .
28 Think it was with a bit of Ellie 's assistance that it got made like that .
29 The Church , the vicar and the Archdeacon and the Bishop all weighed in on Gray 's side so it was quietly dropped and he got his parish here a year later .
30 For one crazy , idiotic moment , Leith thought Naylor might have disposed of Sebastian 's deerstalker because it caused him some small degree of jealousy to see another man 's hat in her home .
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