Example sentences of "[noun prp] 's [noun] that the " in BNC.

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1 They brought , not another Bailén , but defeat after defeat , justifying Napoleon 's judgement that the Spanish regular army was the worst in Europe .
2 The Spanish victory of Bailén ( July 1808 ) was the inevitable consequence of Napoleon 's belief that the conquest of Spain was a police operation that could be entrusted to inferior troops .
3 The issue must have seemed finely balanced at the time , but the troubled history of the prisons in the years that followed suggests that Butler was wrong to have accepted Cunningham 's advice that the Commission was no longer an adequate body to handle the complexity of the tasks to be performed .
4 But in a judgment at Jedburgh Sheriff Court yesterday , Sheriff James Paterson accepted a plea on Neil 's behalf that the charges were incompetent because the prosecution had not served the complaint in time .
5 When viewed in this light Robert Summers 's thesis that the legal realist movement should best be seen as part of a tradition of ‘ pragmatic instrumentalism ’ in American jurisprudence seems basically correct .
6 It is an indication both of the confusion within the Unionist Party and of the wider appeal of Paisley 's politics that the election was punctuated by claims and rebuttals concerning a pact between the Protestant Unionists and the Unionist Party .
7 Kennan echoed MacArthur 's fears that the Russians were well placed to assume control of the whole of Korea .
8 Brown has argued that the material is animal dung which would be in accordance with Brisbane 's suggestion that the domestic wares are a farmyard product ( Brown 1976 ) .
9 Mr Irving 's denial that the Holocaust never happened and his defence of Adolf Hitler has incensed the relatives of those who died in death camps .
10 In the first place he disputed the contention of Oldfield 's lawyer that the original , 1972 contract was unfair .
11 Branson 's suspicion that the chart had been ‘ fixed ’ to prevent the embarrassing spectacle of an anti-royalist song reaching number one during Jubilee week was lent weight by an anonymous telephone call , alleging that the British Phonographic Industry ( the record companies ' professional body ) and the BBC had colluded to keep the record off the top of the charts .
12 Having quoted from Lord Diplock 's speech in Wright 's case that the figure must be " basically a conventional figure derived from experience and from awards in comparable cases " , Balcombe LJ continued :
13 The relationship between state groups and civil society was thus fundamentally different from that in Britain , a point brought into focus by Linz 's comment that the ‘ access of the political elites , the military , bureaucrats , Catholics and Opus Dei to positions of economic power in the public sector , and increasingly in the private sector , poses the interesting and difficult question of the extent to which political power can be transformed into economic power rather than the reverse ’ ( 1981 : 392 – 30 ) .
14 War may not be an overall preference ( Lenin was particularly fond of Clausewitz 's remark that the aggressor would prefer to walk in and occupy a foreign territory peacefully rather than fight for it ) ; but if it is the most effective way of achieving an aim , it is necessary to pursue it .
15 As for Mr 's point that Not Mr b Steven 's point that the erm figures for the strategic guidance for West and South Yorkshire were done on a different basis , those figures with the exception of Sheffield , were erm figures that were put in by the local planning authorities , the Secretary of State accepted those figures , they were done on the nineteen eighty five based household projections , coupled with different assumptions about vacancy rates and demolitions etcetera , and the Secretary of State accepted those figures .
16 May I , however , challenge Alvin Sallay 's assertion that the birth of rugby in China dates from Shi Zheng Scheng 's return to Beijing Nong Ye Da Xüe from Japan .
17 Hubble 's discovery that the universe was expanding , and the realization of the insignificance of our own planet in the vastness of the universe , were just the starting point .
18 It said in the E , the Echo I read in the Echo it 's er , Friday 's Echo that the first band comes on at four
19 Doolittle ( 1952 ) reconsidered Batschinski 's suggestion that the resistance to flow of a liquid depended upon the free-space available to a molecule rather than upon the temperature .
20 Elsewhere Goody cites Guthrie 's comment that the Pythagoreans were ‘ highly arbitrary and inconsistent ’ ( ibid. p. 11 ) .
21 The variations in papal power and support are so crucial to an understanding of Barbarossa 's reign that the summary of papal allegiances included is worthy of study and is useful in following the complex developments .
22 The Secretary of State said that he would note my hon. Friend the Member for Clackmannan 's suggestion that the employment protection aspects of the Reserve Forces Act 1980 be extended to cover those TA members have less than two years ' continuous employment .
23 Second , he cites Richard Strauss 's criticism that the pleasure provided by the whole symphony was ‘ only slightly dimmed by the little Adagietto ’ ; and Otto Klemperer 's dismissal of it as ‘ very nice ; but it is near a salon piece .
24 This is something of a paradox when one remembers Lord Hailsham 's assurance that the 1981 Act was intended to be a liberalising measure .
25 Althusser compares this characteristic to Freud 's proposition that the unconscious is eternal .
26 Nevertheless , reaction in the Arab world was strong , ranging from Syria 's allegation that the killings were a " premeditated massacre " forming part of the Israeli policy of annihilation of the Palestinian people , to an Egyptian statement which said that the " painful incident " showed the importance of overcoming all obstacles to the peace process .
27 Editor , — I agree with J D Swales 's contention that the Tomlinson report will damage postgraduate education if it results in weakening of the vital links between the special health authority hospitals and teaching in the postgraduate research institutes .
28 Eighth Army HQ had been informed that , on the evening of 19 May two days earlier , AFHQ had received an answer [ KP 184 ] from Gen Eisenhower to FM Alexander 's request that the Cossacks should be evacuated to SHAEF .
29 Since early April , tension had been growing between Tito and the Western Allies over Tito 's claim that the whole of the area of north-east Italy known as Venezia Giulia should become part of a " Greater Yugoslavia " .
30 Is there a means of bridging the gap between knowledge and morality that avoids the problems of Kant 's recourse to the aesthetic but also resists Lyotard 's argument that the two are simply incommensurable ?
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