Example sentences of "[noun prp] [Wh pn] [vb past] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , it was Johnnie Spencer who won her heart and , after a short courtship , they married at Westminster Abbey in June 1954 .
2 It was , however , Weber and Durkheim who based their work most firmly on the comparative method .
3 New to the Sinn Fein quarter are Mary Nelis and Bernie Bradley in the place of Barney McFadden who lost his seat and Dodie McGuinness who did not seek re-election .
4 It was Sister Aloysius who turned her head and cried to one of the bigger girls , ‘ Go and fetch Reverend Mother !
5 I was amazed , it 's the biggest pike I 've ever caught , ’ said David who legered his trout bait on a size 8 hook to a 20 lb trace and 10 lb line .
6 Billy Ploose 's up and under fell behind Town defence bouncing kindly for Scott who kept his head and finished coolly .
7 Our new chairman is Sir Anthony Cleaver who assumed his responsibilities on 1 July .
8 The cherry and whites have a lot stronger team out this time and the good news is that Marcus Hannaford who fractured his jaw when he was knocked out against the Saracens is back at scrum half .
9 A GIRL Friday who quit her job because she could not trust her boss to leave her alone was yesterday awarded £2,390 for sex discrimination .
10 On the following day Maxton and Brockway met Arthur Hender who expressed his sympathy with their request but once again repeated that the Labour party would not join any United Front which included the Communist Party .
11 The four-hour debate included some bitter personal attacks upon Frank , particularly by the California Republican William Dannemeyer who demanded his colleague 's expulsion .
12 Ironically there was a Molby in the team when Northern Ireland last played in Denmark — Jan 's young cousin Johnny who helped his side to a 2–1 victory over Billy Bingham 's men in November 1991 .
13 Ironically there was a Molby in the team when Northern Ireland last played in Denmark — Jan 's young cousin Johnny who helped his side to a 2–1 victory over Billy Bingham 's men in November 1991 .
14 The Unwins who had their photographs taken each side of their panting winner , now covered across the shoulders by a long , triumphant blanket of flowers .
15 I was very impressed by Marcuse who started his talk by saying : ‘ What we are doing is hearing a lot of talk about the flower power , but the flower only has the power because the human being is watering it . ’
16 She was followed by Meredith who wore his monocle threaded on a silver chain .
17 Next , Helen was put in the capable hands of Daniel Hersheson who reshaped her hair .
18 Cecilia sat in her comfortable drawing room on the sofa-bed that was always a sofa and never a bed — ‘ But you 've got five bedrooms , Ma , ’ said Tina who had her eye on it — and turned on the television at twenty seconds to six .
19 He looked hopefully at Zen who waggled his finger and walked off up the street .
20 Or so he seemed to Sairellen Thackray who preferred her leaders to have the mature dignity of a Richard Oastler , whom she had followed on foot those ninety miles to York and back when they had been campaigning for the ten hour working day .
21 ‘ Wow , I 'm glad you called , man , ’ said Hopper who thought his friend had telephoned to patch up a quarrel they 'd had before Fonda left for Canada .
22 She looked slowly from one to the other , and it was Shannon who shook her head .
23 By 1877 Cook was successful enough to appoint sub-agents in several towns in northern England who sold their tours at 2½ per cent commission .
24 In my youth I could read Jules Verne and H. G. Wells who took their hero explorers to the moon and to the depths of the ocean , but the imaginary worlds of Rider Haggard and Conan Doyle were still located here on earth in unmapped corners of Africa and South America .
25 It includes the significant silence of Cicero who knew his Posidonius .
26 She looked at Ratchette who nodded his head .
27 There is something curious , too , about the gradation of honours , so that a Ministry of Agriculture clerk is called before the young sergeant from the Royal Ulster Constabulary who chanced his life in some undisclosed anti-terrorist operation .
28 The grid street plan is believed to have originated earlier and further east , possibly in Mesopotamia , but the concept is familiarly associated with the name of Hippodamos , a Greek philosopher and town planner who lived in the early fifth century B.C. This is due to Aristotle who ascribed its invention to Hippodamos who was born in Miletos .
29 The worst were spreaders of terror , like Cuthbert in Thrandeston , or crassly negligent , like Jackman of Shippenhall who spent his days ruing the loss of his investment in a bogus railway company , and took pleasure only in riding to hounds .
30 Another surprise guest was North West Durham MP Hilary Armstrong who added her tribute to John for his work for the local community as well as the club .
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