Example sentences of "[noun prp] ['s] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 waged by Britain , Spain , and Portugal against Napoleon 's army in the Iberian peninsula .
2 Galadriel 's song in the Common Speech ends with regret and a question , ‘ What ship would ever bear me back across so wide a Sea ? ’ , but her Quenya one on hope and an assertion , ‘ Maybe thou shalt find Valinor .
3 He strained his eyes but could make out no more than the vague outline of Ngo Van Loc 's face in the darkness .
4 And that clearly is restricting Crosby 's hand in the transfer market .
5 Twenty-three people were injured ; Oleksandr Serhienko , Khmara 's colleague in the Republican Party , was beaten up and arrested on July 20 .
6 Doctors believed that the development of girls ' reproductive systems took place primarily at the time of menstruation and , in keeping with Spencer 's belief in the need to conserve energy in order to ensure healthy reproductive development , advised rest for teenage girls .
7 Warren Beatty also discovered a route to instant fame , co-starring with Natalie Wood , one of the world 's most glamorous young actresses in 1959 , in Elia Kazan 's Splendor in the Grass .
8 The signed Hawkins monument in Boughton-under-Blean , Kent , must date from about 1618 : it shows Evesham 's skill in the expressive relief carving which is rare in early seventeenth-century English sculpture .
9 Newcomen was apparently unable to buy up Savery 's rights in the patent .
10 Matey had gone out , not to return until late at night , leaving Dr Neil 's tea in the larder on a plate carefully positioned under a fine gauze hood to protect it from the ubiquitous flies ; he had said not to leave him supper , for he might visit the local evening market where prepared food of all kinds was on sale , from oysters to whelks ; he was partial to shellfish , he said .
11 The National Assembly ( lower house of Parliament ) on Jan. 16 voted by 523 votes to 43 with two abstentions to support Mitterrand 's policy in the Gulf and therefore also the action of the US-led coalition .
12 Lord Mansfield 's judgment in the case , adverse to the Crown , became known as the Magna Carta of the Colonies .
13 It is known from the account of Ali Tusi 's life in the that while muderris at the Uc Serefeli medrese in Edirne with a salary of 100 akce a day , he was ordered by Mehmed II to compete with Hocazade , then muderris at the Zeyrek medrese in Istanbul , in writing a between al-Ghazali 's Tuhafut al-falasifa and the philosophers .
14 TUESDAY 'S play in the first round singles events having been rained off were played yesterday in the 31st Dun Laoghire Bowling tournament in Dublin .
15 Early in 1958 the laboratory collaborated with Wernher von Braun 's group in the launch of Explorer I — the US answer to Sputnik .
16 The 5ft 6in speedster felt he was persona non grata throughout Dave Stringer 's five years in charge at Carrow Road , but Mike Walker 's arrival in the summer has given him a new lease of life .
17 The editors begin their Introduction by agreeing with Professor David Walker 's statement in the Scottish Legal System that Scottish legal history is closer to that of the Continent than its English counterpart .
18 Mr Adams 's defeat in the only Northern Ireland seat to change hands was widely welcomed by nationalist and Unionist politicians .
19 Castells 's interest in the politics of consumption and the political alliances surrounding consumption have , for example , been developed by Dunleavy .
20 1978 marked the apogee of Ceauşescu 's acceptability in the West .
21 Marina Picasso 's Picassos in the Serenissima
22 Delaunay used to meet Picasso at the gatherings at the Douanier Rousseau 's , while Metzinger was a frequent visitor to Picasso 's studio in the Bateau Lavoir during the early years of Cubism , and was an important agent in transmitting the first discoveries of Picasso and Braque .
23 Gomez de la Serna remembers that Picasso 's studio in the Bateau Lavoir was filled with African and Oceanic ‘ idols ’ .
24 A photograph taken in Picasso 's studio in the summer of 1908 shows an earlier , apparently more or less completed version of the Three Women executed in a style which makes use of rough , almost violent striations , used to emphasize the different areas to the sides of the figures , while the figures themselves appear to have the rough-hewn bulkiness of much of the most characteristic contemporary African-influenced figure pieces .
25 The then Labour Party Defence Minister Itzhak Rabin , speaking in March 1989 , had insisted that additional costs arising out of the IDF 's operations in the occupied territories did not exceed US$140,000,000 per annum .
26 In Barat et Haimet the sexual innuendo of Barat approaching Marie 's bed in the dark , and successfully imitating her husband , Travers , is difficult to miss , and since we may know that bacon , the term generally used for the meat that is stolen and stolen back over and over again , can also be used of a girl 's thighs , there is a strong suggestion that the actions are really a sexual allegory : is it Marie that the three men are trying to appropriate ?
27 When I brush Marie 's hair in the morning , I sometimes think about Sara .
28 But Dustin 's confidence in the play was so shaky that he insisted that the stage manager announce to the audience every night that , ‘ Mr Hoffman is appearing with a cut finger ’ , even after it had healed .
29 However , Livings was not in the USA to see Dustin and a cast which included Dana Elcar , Elizabeth Wilson ( who would play Dustin 's mother in The Graduate ) and Carl Gabler when it opened at Circle-In-The-Square at Bleeker Street on 16 October 1966 .
30 INTEREST charges associated with its continuing restructuring all but wiped out Pergamon AGB 's profits in the half-year to the end of June .
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