Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [vb pp] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
2 David had moved from The King Bees to The Manish Boys and released a single , ‘ I Pity The Fool ’ , and having supported Gerry and the Pacemakers , The Kinks and Gene Pitney on tour , joined up with a group called The Lower Third , consisting of Graham Rivens , Phil Lancaster and Denis Taylor .
3 The king seemed to regard Stratford 's conduct of government as tantamount to treachery , and the king 's supporters issued a statement , the Libellus Famosus , denouncing his conduct of government during the king 's absence and declaring that the delay in providing money for the army in Flanders had arisen from the fault , or the neglect , or even the malice of the archbishop .
4 Shevardnadze had resigned from the post of Foreign Minister on Dec. 20 , 1990 , warning of the danger of impending dictatorship [ see p. 37903 ] .
5 In effect , Talabecland had ceded from the Empire , and was joined at various times by other provinces that were dissatisfied with the current elected Emperor .
6 Out in the yard , Alejandro had turned from the charming rogue of yesterday into a roaring tyrant , bellowing instructions to all the boys .
7 Meanwhile , against the pope 's better judgement , Edward had recalled from the papal Curia another exile , Winchelsey .
8 And just to show the Brownies he really was their friend , Farmer Bolsover sent along to the barn for them all the apples Penny had shaken from the tree she had climbed in his orchard !
9 Ellen had retired from the Christabel Focus over a question of principle .
10 He cited benefits that Scotland had received from the Budget such as the decision not to raise the duty on whisky and the North Sea measures .
11 In Inverness , Johnson held forth on the benefits Scotland had derived from the Union , and after church they saw the Quay and Macbeth 's Castle , and had lunch with Mr Keith , the excise collector , whose wife quizzed Johnson about his ‘ drinking water ’ .
12 Giles had returned from the Colony the previous day .
13 It was reported on Dec. 17 that Aquino had dismissed from the Cabinet Trade and Industry Secretary José Concepcion , one of her closest allies , in an attempt to counter growing criticism of her government .
14 Its leader , Mahmut Alinak , who in May had resigned from the Social Democratic Populist Party ( SHP — the junior party in the governing coalition ) said that he hoped that the OZEP would absorb the former Kurdish nationalist People 's Labour Party ( HEP ) .
15 Bommai was elected to the post unopposed after Hukumdeo Narayan Yadav and S. Jaipal Reddy had withdrawn from the contest .
16 Mubarak had returned from a visit to Tripoli the previous day , while Kadhafi had visited Cairo at the beginning of July to conclude the ratification of 10 integration agreements signed by the two countries .
17 We learned soon that the money for Frank had come from the wife of our new romantic juvenile , Laurence Wheldon , a blonde and willowy man whose good looks far exceeded his acting powers but whose wife 's money was underwriting the company , to say nothing of her husband 's ambitions .
18 As far as I could tell Frank had recovered from the breakdown we witnessed in late 1986 and , despite the months alone and the awful beatings he 'd received in the Pigsty , he still had a great sense of humour and told us hysterical episodes from his life , many of them against himself .
19 Turakina had known from the first how he would react , but she had pretended resistance for a day and a night before giving her consent .
20 Lunch was served in the great hall whose exterior Loretta had observed from the gate .
21 When the Fiat had emerged from the gateway of the Miletti villa at five o'clock that afternoon , Zen had been astonished to find that his driver for the ransom drop was to be Silvio 's secretary , Ivy Cook .
22 Before Harry could say another word , Nadine had slipped from the stool and moved past him to greet her husband .
23 It was less than an hour since Chen had come from the singsong house ; not time enough for anyone to have discovered Liu Chang 's body , or for the girls to have undone their bonds .
24 After the winged Soul Eater had gone from the low-ceilinged Workshops , its leathery wings beating on the night , the soul of the mutilated boy held in a merciless grip between its claws , the slaves had scuttled back to their tasks and the Robemaker had conjured up another of the thin , whiplike lights that had lashed out and thrown Nuadu to the floor .
25 Meciar and Klaus had returned from the Visegrad Three talks in London the same day [ see p. 39153 ] .
26 Mack Sennett had come from a New England working-class background and he had himself worked as a plumber 's mate .
27 The NRF had originated from a combination of Swedish Red-and-Whites crossed to Ayrshires ( imported since the 1860s ) , and by 1960 it had absorbed the graded-up Red Trondheim ( a horned breed from Ayrshires crossed to local cattle between 1850 and 1891 ) and the Hedmark , another local type of the Swedish Red-and-White .
28 Meanwhile , Philippe Bonard had emerged from the house and was greeting Iris and her group , now installed in the mini-bus and waiting for Gebrec to drive them .
29 His elder brother Robert had returned from the Crusade almost at the moment when Anselm reached England : he was newly married , and therefore , for the moment , rich .
30 However , because Mr Knight had resigned from the county council , the party refused to put his name on the list of nominees wanting to represent Harwich .
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