Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [pers pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly Sophie found she was in deep water .
2 Sue was talking as they went , describing the scene , and Kathleen realised they were on air live again .
3 Turner may have finally made up his mind to move after being dropped from the Newbridge side which travelled to Swansea on Saturday after Newport announced he was on his way to Rodney Parade .
4 When the trains came in or out , sending the pigeons wheeling from the vaulted roof and the steam rolling against the windows , Meredith felt he was on the poop of some ancient brig sailing a ghostly sea .
5 The next thing Pat knew she was in hospital .
6 But I was staying inside , learning about what the world was really like , or , rather , what Pansy Fanshawe thought it was like .
7 Mr Currie said it was like being ‘ back in medieval times ’ , as he surveyed a table laden with kitchen knives , swords and home-made weapons including a rolling pin with spikes on the end .
8 Fellow worker Robert Howes said he was with Alan Dimmer when the components became jammed .
9 When Mo said she was in favour of overhauling the system , Sharon asked : ‘ How ?
10 The trouble was that Melanie believed I was in bed with one of them every time I was half an hour late . ’
11 Tallis thought it was about the middle of the day .
12 A century and a half ago , the canal owners of England thought they were in the business of owning canals .
13 I think even Nigel thought he was on dodgy ground here , but it was worth a try .
14 Maggie said you were in here .
15 Yeah , ah well no , I could n't find you and erm Mick said you were on leave so I had to send it , and I did n't have the address so I had to go and ge , see George .
16 And she finally got in at quarter to and she 's , oh Kim said she was in a dreadful state .
17 But Jinny could tell from his voice that he knew the answer already , and when Doyle replied it was with a nod .
18 Maurice surmised it was from his aunt .
19 Mr Graham confirmed it was in order for the NGC to offer alternative routes for the inquiry 's consideration .
20 Residents were worried that adaptations to the building at the corner of Bow Street and Princes Road meant it was to be used as a morgue .
21 Even the genial Binkie Beaumont was prepared to pay him a third of what the experienced Emlyn Williams knew he was worth and could get .
22 When Bodo saw I was in trouble , he said ‘ We 'd better turn round and go out the other way .
23 At Panmure Gordon , Charles Donald said it was within the letter of US regulations and was thus always likely to be approved .
24 Well then Fred said she is after but you got another girl .
25 Spokesman Mr. Robinson said they were at the meeting to voice their objections to an application by Greenbanks Nursing Home to enlarge its premises .
26 Martin said it was in the National Car Park across the road , about twenty yards from the front door of the pub and Dod said ‘ Oh , yeah ’ and reluctantly gave up his place in the darts game , slipping at least three five-pound notes and some coins into his pocket and not bothering to thank the guys he 'd played .
27 Yet Atkinson revealed he was on the verge of quitting during a never-ending battle against injury last season .
28 Dillon gave no sign of being frightened , but Tweed sensed he was like a coiled spring .
29 Lindner thought he was on his way to Headingley on a similar deal and was expecting a contract to be faxed to him yesterday .
30 And having saved John Smith 's skin at the Labour party Conference , with his rumbustious performance in the one member , one vote debate , Mr Prescot knew he was in a position to call in his debts .
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