Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [pers pn] [adv prt] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I went down to give Gregory and Lambert a hand with the timber , and Brother Richard called us in to help shift things within .
2 I used to tease her about being so house-proud and she 'd tell me how her Aunt Rosina brought her up to do everything just so . ’
3 With an aggressive movement , Lucenzo turned her around to face him and pulled the lower lace tight .
4 Prof Eno took us round to see Morrissey , because he lives nearby in Oscar Wilde 's old cottage and he was too ‘ ill ’ to come on the outing .
5 Selina donned an apron and put her hair up under a baseball cap and prickled with female make-do and knowhow , while Mandy and Debby took it in turns to amuse me downstairs .
6 Willie lifted it up to find Tom standing on the steps , with a large tray in his hands .
7 So I just stood there while they shouted " Jolly hockey sticks , " across as her , and then Kevin started them off singing , " How green you are , how green you are , how green you are , how green … , " ever so softly , to the tune of " Auld Lang Syne " till her bus came , and then they sang it at the tops of their voices as she staggered onto the bus and moved down to the back seat .
8 She came to the house in response to a card Miss Matlock had placed in a local newsagent 's window and Miss Matlock took her on to replace a cleaning woman who had recently left . ’
9 Now , two days before he sailed for New York , Mary smuggled him in to see the child .
10 Later , when Mrs Barnwell came , Sister Cooney took her in to see Richard .
11 At the weekend Ian took us out sailing on the lake .
12 Has i has Jim sent it out do you know ?
13 When aforementioned item arrived , a snickering Jim Bob sent it back saying ‘ This is n't original ! ’
14 She spoke with Lord Furness for a few minutes , and then Lady Furness brought her over to see me .
15 Mrs Pygling sent her in to spy on Jane and she prowled about with a cordless telephone , through which she had to talk very loud , so that her cracked voice and cackling laugh could be heard in every corner of the estate .
16 Well I expect he just handed it to Tim and Tim picked it up thinking it was smooth .
17 When Paul called me back to ask whether he was serious about this , I replied , yes , although I must admit I did n't hear strings and flutes on ‘ Space Oddity ’ at the beginning but once the track was done , it was obvious that it was going to work really well .
18 The polo-playing major 's ex-fiancee , Emma Stewardson , 29 , has told how Hewitt stood her up to visit Diana at Highgrove in Gloucestershire .
19 Jackie phoned me up to say , she phoned me up today for a chat , we were chatting away and she said erm , I heard Brenda , Brenda , so I knew it was girl , and er , I was saying she walked straight into the kitchen and I was sort of still on the phone , I was saying yeah , yeah , ok and erm , I said I 'm going out shopping and I 'm taking the dog with me , I said ok fair enough , she said well you 'll probably be gone when I get back , I said oh might be but she said but I do n't know and erm you know and I just put the phone down cos she wanted to see the pictures , my little girl asked put all the pictures up for him and er were looking at all the pictures and I 'd forgotten about Jack on the phone you know , so she s all of a sudden I got back she said oh your phone call she said who you talking too ?
20 John phoned him up looking for a bass player and Cliff gave him my number .
21 ‘ So after the fire , Himmelbrau and Strick called me in to see whether I could do something to re-establish their client files — thirty years of legal practice up in smoke .
22 Although it was very late , Otto whisked us off to dine that night at a restaurant some way along the coast .
23 Only sixpence , but Mr Evans sent her off to return it at once .
24 Alexandra , Lyddy and Janet took it in turns to sit up at night with her .
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