Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [been] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was only when everyone rose to their feet , shook hands and made a beeline for the cooking tent — where , it emerged , Balvinder Singh had been for the last half-hour — that I realized that the ceremony was over .
2 Stanley Spencer had been through the war ; he had experienced the horror , the vulgarity , of war .
3 Ari found it was strangely comforting to be told how confused Ewan had been at the time he 'd turned his back on his family .
4 Bernice had been through a lot in the days they had been separated and he was proud of her .
5 His first impression of Galvone had been of a mobster , but Newman had met other reasonably honest Americans holding high positions who had made the same initial impression .
6 Veronica had been to the flat : was n't it possible she might have left something behind which Loretta could claim to have found ?
7 Police said David had been to a pal 's engagement party at a nearby pub but how he was killed remained a mystery .
8 At seven-twenty that same morning , Scott had been at the site of an unusual hit-and-run story : two older men had been killed and another injured by a police patrol car .
9 A mole working inside Cranborne School had supplied them with a mailing-list of all Muslim parents whose children had been rejected by ‘ This is a Christian Country ’ Gyles , the Junior School headmaster , and Robert and Maisie had been through the telephone directory , picking out anyone with a Muslim-sounding name .
10 Angus had been to the town and he made his way back to his cottage along the shore .
11 The Dimblebys had been at a loss for words .
12 Ken had been at the auditions that Michael Codron organized , when he was looking for a feed for Williams .
13 However , the allegation that Hazelwood had been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the disaster was contradicted by a number of witnesses at his trial , which opened in Anchorage , Alaska , on Jan. 29 , 1990 , after a six-month delay .
14 Bécherel had been under the command of one of his retainers , and another had been Constable of Saint-Sauveur , though in all probability he had not been involved in its surrender .
15 Lennox-Boyd had been in the post for five years and had asked to retire for family business reasons .
16 She parted her lips to tell him about Dana , then closed them again as a desperate plea from her twin made itself known as clearly as if Dana had been in the same room .
17 Blanche asked if Blufton had been at the farewell party the night before .
18 Alan had been in the third coach of the second train and was therefore luckier than the people in the first and second coaches , several of whom were dead
19 Frankish Kings could be as brutal as Euric had been in the days of Visigothic expansion .
20 The man leading the hunt for the killer , Det Chief Insp Barry Hill , said forensic experts from Wetherby had been to the scene .
21 Strong , colourful midfield player or striker , Andy Gray had been with the Palace as a schoolboy during the Terry Venables era at Selhurst Park , but disappeared into non-league soccer so that it was actually from Dulwich Hamlet that Manager Steve Coppell initially signed him for The Eagles in November 1984 .
22 Considering how long the formation of Deacon Gray had been in the pipeline , the eventual timing might seem strange .
23 All this activity left little time for photography but , even after returning to the States to continue his work for the FSA , Delano never lost sight of the fact that his introduction to Puerto Rico had been through a camera .
24 Eva had been at the International College for Officers for five years .
25 Beverley had been in the care of her mother , herself a mental patient .
26 He said Sigsworth had been on a drinking binge for several days before going to the police station .
27 Once Dolly and Gertrude had been in the back row of the chorus at the Palladium , and Gertrude had even had a solo spot with a comic song … he had seen a photo of her somewhere as Burlington Bertie …
28 Kim had been on the Wiring Project for almost year now , though for most of that time he had been kept out of things by Spatz .
29 This confirmed a dramatic reversal in the political fortunes of the Azerbaijan Popular Front , which in January had been on the verge of taking power with mass support until Soviet troops had staged a bloody crackdown .
30 Aleksandr Shokhin , the minister in charge of social protection , said at a news conference on Feb. 5 that price rises since January had been in the region of 300-350 per cent rather than the 250 per cent anticipated by the government .
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