Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] be [adj] about " in BNC.

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1 Doc Threadneedle had been right about the sex .
2 Good old Nate Springfield had been right about the existence of a tunnel after all .
3 But Eve had been resolute about never lying to the nuns .
4 Of course John , her husband , told Elizabeth that Ivy had been right about the fuse-boxes : they just had n't come to her notice , so she had to eat humble pie .
5 Nigel had been right about the rain , but she did n't hesitate .
6 Alain had been uneasy about his mother being here alone .
7 Robert had been vague about them on an embarrassing number of occasions .
8 Adam had been right about the contacts she could make , but her mind was no longer in tune with business this evening .
9 Celia had been worried about the blood-groups .
10 Leary had been diffident about approaching Joseph although it might have advanced his career , but Durance appeared to have done it for him .
11 Lydia had been eloquent about the house behind the garage .
12 She felt sure that Allen had been wrong about the white horse .
13 But his solicitor Geoff Cardwell said Thompson had been worried about a man who had been carrying out some work for his ex-wife .
14 She thought it a mite expensive , but it looked a respectable place , and Mrs Taylor had been sympathetic about Grandfather .
15 Prior William had been right about one thing .
16 ‘ Brenda does n't know , ’ said Wendy , ‘ but apparently poor Margot started being sick about one o'clock in the morning and then had a most frightful pain in her tummy . ’
17 When he had looked at her so intently , Vitor d'Arcos had been curious about an intruder , that was all .
18 On March 21st , a despatch from Falkenhayn admitted that Rupprecht had been right about the British not being able to take the offensive , and at the same time it ordered the withdrawal of three of his divisions for the general reserve .
19 Oswin had been right about his valet .
20 NICRA had been concerned about the potential for violence which arose when the Apprentice Boys of Derry gave notice of their intention to stage an ‘ Annual Initiation Ceremony ’ to coincide with the demonstration .
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