Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb past] [verb] [adv] over " in BNC.

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1 Alain had walked all over her excuses and her call to Glyn had left her quite at Alain 's mercy — not that he knew it .
2 Helen had scrambled back over the wall .
3 A few paces away , Detective Eddy stood gazing out over the heads of the crowd .
4 The Rosses remained tied up over the weekend until discovered by their daily on Monday .
5 Opening the fourth and final day 's debate on the budget , Mr Heseltine flatly denied that he and Mr Lamont had fallen out over the VAT rise .
6 Opening the fourth and final day 's debate on the budget , Mr Heseltine flatly denied that he and Mr Lamont had fallen out over the VAT rise .
7 Joe had climbed up over the side of the nearest and lowered himself in , rubbish sliding unsteadily beneath him , and then he 'd found his balance and hunkered down and started to sift .
8 Ma had suffered enough over Daisy , she did n't deserve all this unhappiness .
9 Irrigation and agricultural policies — especially for the Soviet cotton industry — meant that the water level in the Aral Sea had fallen by over 14 metres over the last 30 years .
10 After the case Mr Bedi vowed to fight on over the unpaid bill which , he claims , was sent to the wrong address .
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