Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] it was [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Er , I 've put a cloth on the top of it cos we 'd only put it in on the Tuesday and it was wet through on the top !
2 Ipswich Town signed Bulgarian striker Bontcho Guentchev from Portuguese club Sporting Lisbon and it was first believed that he had several full caps .
3 ‘ Lemurs are a delicacy in Madagascar and it was all I could do to stop my fellow passengers eating them , ’ he says .
4 I opened it on Saturday and it was mouldy .
5 Eleven o'clock , there were n't restrictions then on , they could keep open as long as they liked , no restrictions on , on time , and er as I say their own place you know it really it was picturesque , I thought in since erm I contacted you I 've been thinking how , what I could help with and er what I could still think about , and er it was really a sight because to walk and it always used to be crowded , well it was one of the best markets round here and er people used to go off and from Bloxwich and er although there 's a good market at Walsall there was n't a Bloxwich market then sadly for years and years , but erm and then if you went to Wolverhampton you got to walk through Windsfield you got to er walk everywhere you went then and except on a Saturday night when the wagonettes used to run on a Saturday but it was amazing to see the girl behind the range now controlling
6 A cracking shot from Michael Gray and it was 2-0 .
7 Leeds are the champions of England and it was great to beat them . ’
8 Tweed was desperately anxious to get to Freiburg and it was late afternoon already .
9 Economic motivation was important in explaining the original drive for establishing Japanese power in Korea but it was subordinate to political and strategic arguments .
10 At that time , Lincolnshire was the second largest county in England but it was thirteenth in terms of population ; it had only 208,557 people in 1801 and 407,222 fifty years later .
11 Even if it landed on time , I would have the four-hour journey to Hull and it was unlikely that I would make it to the funeral .
12 Her remarks were recorded before events in Tianamen Square and it was clear by the end of the programme that the proper function of current affairs television was less of a live debate inside the country than it had been .
13 It used to be like just like a the market as in er what 's in the Victoria but it was more on open air what they call it in them days .
14 Everybody around me was slagging of Newsome and it was hilarious when he score and the Cop were shouting his name ‘ al la Shearer ’ .
15 The seed was sown in Paris but it was two years later , in Turin , when the first production car , the Dino 206GT , was introduced .
16 The Sunshine Girls were the only troupe to travel as far as St Petersburg and Budapest but it was noticeable that they rarely worked at the Winter Gardens which was Jennie 's stronghold .
17 It was true , as Annie had said , that now was hardly the time to talk about dances , drugs and Jack Butler but it was important for Kelly to talk to her .
18 ‘ She never told me about Shergold but it was common gossip how he felt about her , ’ he admitted at last .
19 Already ahead of him he could see that he would marry , and it might be disastrously , he had that in him , but at the moment what he had was Rose Hilaire and Gabriel and it was 1966 .
20 This was clearly understood by both Keynes and Beveridge and it was one of the main considerations for the reorganisation of the social security system at the end of the last war .
21 Eileen came on leave on 28 August and it was fortunate that she was with her mother .
22 Life was too tame , while the world depicted by Oz and It was exciting .
23 ‘ That little face was there and it was Nicky and it was brilliant .
24 He was anticipating losing his love and his child to Steve and it was all too much for him .
25 cos is southern Italy and it was nice and sunny during the daytime , so much so that we were walking about in just T-shirts er and all the Italians that came to us said , ye well language , what on earth are you doing without your er sweater
26 It would , however , be a great mistake to dismiss the event as an act of folly without any serious consequences , for the proof of the existence of a serious candidate led to the definite rebirth of Bonapartism as a political force in France and it was this movement which was later to carry Louis-Napoleon to power .
27 ‘ We cast for type not names ’ said director Archie Mayo and it was this that clinched the film 's impact .
28 We played in Los Angeles and New York and it was real good , because they all picked up on the fact that it was different .
29 ‘ England lost the first Test 33–15 in Port Elizabeth and it was worse in Johannesburg , where we went down 35–9 .
30 Now Kennedy had a dilemma although Cuba was in the Caribbean , and although the United States had the biggest navy in the world , and the biggest airforce and was easily able to exterminate Cuba if it wa if it wished to , it was vulnerable , however , in other areas , in particular it was vulnerable in Berlin and it was vulnerable in Indo-China .
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