Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] would [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The rift between the two brothers recalls the one between Cain and Abel and would seem at first to be heading for a similar conclusion .
2 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants were to be established by the EPA and would apply to existing as well as to new industrial plants .
3 He confirmed that he intended to remain in Cuba and would campaign for the legalization of the Cuban Commission on Human Rights and National Reconciliation Committee ( CDHRNC ) , which he led [ see also p. 37070 ] ; he also intended to reapply for his old post as professor of philosophy at Havana University .
4 He now became known as Bishop Bunyan and would travel throughout the country preaching , collecting and distributing alms , and settling quarrels among the brethren .
5 Key recommendations included ( i ) the establishment of an expanded National Peace Committee ( NPC ) with permanent local and regional offices which would replace dispute resolution committees ; ( ii ) the stationing of 30 UN observers who would serve with the NPC and would draw on the experience of the UN team which monitored the mass action campaign ; ( iii ) the provision of UN assistance to the Goldstone Commission for full-scale inquiries into the South African Defence Force ( SADF ) , the South African Police ( SAP ) and the Kwazulu Police as well as the armed wing of the ANC , Umkhonto we Sizwe , and its Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) and Azanian People 's Organization ( AZAPO ) equivalents ; the Commission 's findings , hitherto presented to the government , would be released to the multiparty NPC ; ( iv ) UN reassessment of its role every three months ; ( v ) the resumption of constitutional negotiations as soon as possible with the establishment of a " deadlock-breaking " mechanism ; ( v ) the appointment of " an eminent and impartial person " to convene the talks ; ( vi ) the urgent release of political prisoners ; and ( vii ) an end to the bias of the state broadcasting services .
6 Archbishop William Temple when headmaster of Repton had a complete mental recall of Bradshaw and would set as an imposition for an errant boy the best way of travelling from Great Yarmouth to Exeter or Penrith to Ipswich without touching London , complete with changes and times .
7 Not only that , but he refused to leave Sweden and would commute by Volvo , North Sea Ferry and British Rail .
8 Hillary became obsessed with climbing mountains as a young lad in his native New Zealand and would go to extraordinary physical lengths to pursue his hobby .
9 ‘ We are still anxious to trace Phil Wells in connection with the 1989 robbery at Heathrow and would appeal to him to come forward . ’
10 The document then put forward three possible options : the setting up of a small central body , along the lines of Model A in the English Green Paper , which would have a majority of its membership from Welsh local authorities ; a Model B type central body which would disburse government funds in Wales and would take from local authority control the colleges providing a significant amount of higher education , including teacher training ; and the direct association in Wales of the solution adopted in England through the setting up of a Welsh sub-committee of the main organization .
11 George Augustus who lost his last race in Germany in the stewards room is down for the Grosser Preis Von Baden and would have to be supported .
12 George Augustus who lost his last race in Germany in the stewards room is down for the Grosser Preis Von Baden and would have to be supported .
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