Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [subord] [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She was an outsider and feared by the wives of the other officers of Camp 3 because her husband was KGB and because his reports could break and crush the career of any man , however senior .
2 Their finances were heavily embroiled with those of the Spanish Habsburgs and when their finances collapsed the Fuggers also went bust , in 1627 .
3 When she concluded by asking if Madame Vassoir still had the letter from Beatrix and if its contents could have provoked Samantha 's abduction , her hostess poured them both a glass of sherry before replying .
4 A similar working group was appointed in Scotland under the chairmanship of 1 V Paterson but as its recommendations differed from its English counterpart only in matters of detail we need not treat it separately ( Keating and Midwinter 1983:119 — 23 ) .
5 He used to live in Norfolk but when his parents died he came here with Hepzibah .
6 His name is Dick and although our conversations are strictly limited to what day the binmen are coming and blimey , was n't the post late today , I do think he would make the most fascinating subject .
7 Recession has finally reached Japan but because its investments were so overvalued , it has hit the financial markets far harder .
8 Prince Rupert managed to fight his way towards London and having reached Brentford , he decided to try to capture London and whilst his troops were encamped on Kew Green , they learned from a maid from a riverside inn ( The Bull ) that Oliver Cromwell was holding a council of war there , so he despatched some horsemen to capture Cromwell , but the ‘ Round Heads ’ kept the horsemen at bay until Cromwell had escaped in a boat to the island in the river closeby , which island has been called ‘ Oliver Isle ’ ever since .
9 Mr Charlwood worked in Sunbury and when his employers , KPK ( Sheet Metal ) Ltd moved to Hayes in Middlesex he was offered an equivalent job .
10 Vortigern consulted magicians who told him he should build a stronghold in Wales but as his workers set to work on a hill in Snowdonia their building materials sank into the earth .
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