Example sentences of "[noun prp] [coord] [noun sg] of [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As an intellectual pace-setter , she is the Keynes or Beveridge of our times .
2 ‘ Saint Sebastian or Portrait of my Lover ’ ( 1963 ) marked a turning point .
3 For example , patients who have induction of EADs and replication of their ventricular tachyarrhythmias during infusion of phenylephrine but not of isoproterenol might be better treated with alpha-blockers than with beta-blockers .
4 I work for Team Sport Scotland and part of my reignement is erm coordinator for women and girl 's football and I find that with the equal opportunities policies of many of the education regions now that more football is being played in primary and in secondary school and the district councils I go to visit I would say that the majority of them are definitely wanting to put money into promoting girl 's and women 's football .
5 In 1903 he married Rose Edith , daughter of the Revd Frederick Festus Kelly and sister of his Cambridge contemporary and friend , ( Sir ) Gerald Kelly [ q.v . ] .
6 After enlistment and commissioning in the RAF and completion of his service flying training Hillary was posted on 6 July 1940 to No. 603 ( City of Edinburgh ) Fighter Squadron in Dyce .
7 In Lucy 's ultimate rejection of Cecil and realisation of her own feelings she rejects the conventional life society offers her , to live a life of authenticity with George Emerson .
8 But these vile tasks were as welcome to them for they knew no love of God nor worship of Him .
9 ‘ Jesus stresses that love of God and love of one 's neighbour are summed up in the Ten Commandments .
10 There is one body , and one Spirit , as you are called in one hope of your calling ; one Lord , one faith , one baptism , one God and Father of us all , who is above all , and through all , and in all .
11 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ .
12 ‘ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort , who comforts us in all our troubles , so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received from God ’ ( 2 Cor.
13 Firstly , the God whom we worship , i.e. the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ .
14 There in Ephesians one three Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ .
15 Mrs Eve West , chairman of the Alton branch , recently presented an RNLI shield to Mike Reitzler , licensee of the Railway Hotel , Alton and chairman of its Darts and Social Club .
16 ‘ I have no intention of robbing Grantham and Marsh of their triumph if they deserve it , and from what I hear of their reputation they probably will .
17 The Lorrimores , all four of them , arrived together to murmurs of sympathy , but the two young ones split off immediately from their parents and from each other , all of them gravitating to their various havens : the parents went to join Filmer and Daffodil of their own free will , Xanthe made a straight piteous line to Mrs Young , and Sheridan grabbed hold of Nell , who was by this time standing , saying that he needed her to sit with him , she was the only decent human being on the whole damn train .
18 Meanwhile the breakaway Glina assembly , comprising half the Krajina deputies , on Feb. 16 dismissed Babic as president of Krajina and commander of its armed forces , rejected his referendum proposal and relieved the Krajina government of its duties .
19 Part of her annoyance was brought about by the fact that she had never met nor heard of Mary Brown but part of it was fuelled by the fact that her son had broken with the faith .
20 South of Loch Arkaig and east of its high fringe of Munros is a broad tract of undulating moorlands dissected by lonely glens and watercourses draining into Loch Eil , familiar to users of the Mallaig road and railway .
21 Jan Rowe and part of his dairy herd which have , he is convinced , been infected with TB .
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