Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 's been in it for five years ( only he and Jean Boht have been with the show from the beginning ) and he 's proud of that , he says .
2 For almost 18 months Margaret Thatcher and Nigel Lawson have been at loggerheads over sterling .
3 The restrictions on imports from and exports to South Africa have been in place since 1985 .
4 The restrictions on imports from and exports to South Africa have been in place since 1985 .
5 ‘ Ronnie Moran and Roy Evans have been through a lot and seen a lot of players come and go .
6 Though the Lions ' backs have the credentials and Winterbottom and Dean Richards have been in the heat of a Lions Test scrum , there are six forwards who will be experiencing a Lions Test for the first time .
7 Beniaminio and Mario Di Conza have been in the hospital since June , undergoing investigations to find out the extent of organ sharing , before the operation which was completed yesterday .
8 Bobby Watson and Victor Lewis have been at the centre of the remarkable revival of hard bop on the world jazz stage in recent years .
9 Richard Harris and Gene Hackman have been in Westerns before but never one as good as this ( indeed , Harris ' character 's inflation of his own pompous myth relates to the sham of his A Man Called Horse ) , which is a key to their characterisations and the way they are constantly stacked up against Eastwood .
10 US Budweiser and the firm in Ceske Budejovice have been at loggerheads for almost a century , exchanging writs over the use of the Budweiser name .
11 For generations , printers in Fleet Street have been among the highest-paid industrial workers in Britain .
12 With no game this weekend the Manor Ground was closed for business … but the directors were working overtime in the boardroom … sorting through thirty applications for the manager 's job … they 've drawn up a shortlist … four men are being interviewed over the next couple of days … who are they … the club are keeping the names a secret … we reckon Chris Nicholl … the former Southampton manager is still in the running … so too is the former Sunderland and Bristol City chief Denis Smith … the fans favourite is Mark Lawrenson who was in charge of United for a short spell before he fell out with Maxwells and the fourth man … is a mystery … could be the dark horse the names of former England keeper Ray Clemence and one time Villa striker Peter Withe have been under discussion … all will be revealed later this week …
13 Mr MacSharry and Commission President Jacques Delors have been at daggers drawn for weeks over tactics in the GATT talks with the Americans with Mr Delors accused of favouring the powerful French farm lobby .
14 Numerous societies including the Cheltenham & Gloucester , National & Provincial , Norwich & Peterborough and Birmingham Midshires have been in the frame as possible targets .
15 Sheffield have lacked consistency away from home , though former British champion Neil Evitts and Peter Carr have been in great form .
16 Hugh and Joyce Gardiner have been with Timex for a total of 44 years and never believed that their fight could have reached such a pitch .
17 South Africa Spain , Australia and New Zealand have been in fashion I was told .
18 Washington and New York have been among the highs — alongside a triumphant LA show , the same night that Morrissey played across town .
19 While unemployment figures in Northern Ireland have been on the increase , they have not accelerated at anything like the rate in the usually prosperous south-east of England .
20 Not too much has appeared in the public prints on the conference , but Reuter reporters Russell Blinch and Judith Crosson have been on the spot taking it all down ; this page is compiled from their reports .
21 Young openers Matthew Hayden and Michael Slater have been in sparkling form but the tourists are likely to start with their tried and trusted one-day partnership of Mark Taylor and Mark Waugh .
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