Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] in his [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A more sophisticated analysis is presented by Kenneth Newton in his study of Birmingham .
2 Significantly enough one of the very earliest uses of the term ‘ postmodern ’ , dating from the time of the Second World War , was that of Arnold Toynbee in his A Study of History .
3 In order to evaluate the most effective ways of meeting the needs of dementia sufferers and their carers , we decided to set up a variety of pilot projects — these will be discussed by Ian Baillie in his talk on the Strathclyde development Fund .
4 Strictly visual language to make scientific points had been used as early as 1555 by Pierre Belon in his Oiseaux , where he put the skeleton of a man and a bird side by side to demonstrate their unity of plan , or homology .
5 Delmar Menjamim flew his replica Gee Bee R–2 racer , the Eagles Aerobatic Team performed a faultless routine in their trio of Christen Eagles , a scintillating performance was given by Bobby Younkin in his Beech 18 , a routine which included barrel rolls ! , but probably the most unusual of all was Craig Hisking , who flew his much modified Pitts Special , which has been fitted with an undercarriage on the top wing , enabling him to land upside down as well as the right way up .
6 This was Richard Branson in his manifestation as cheerleader — a manifestation which some found charming and amusing ; others intensely tiresome .
7 The Arab League envoy Lakhdar Ibrahimi took the plan to all the various Lebanese parties during July , visiting Gen. Aoun in his Baabda headquarters on at least three occasions .
8 J.L. Lowes in his book The Road to Xanadu has given an account of how the mind 's vats work .
9 Many of these are recorded by J. Dennis Hood in his book Waterspouts on the Yorkshire Wolds which was published in Driffield in 1892 .
10 The constitutional position of the police has been explained clearly and concisely by David Regan in his pamphlet Are the Police under Control ? :
11 H.N. Coleridge in his book Six Months in the West Indies ( 1825 ) tells the story of a young nun , Maria Clementina , the youngest child of Pedro Anostinho , a well-to-do person , born in Madeira .
12 He took a deep breath and headed down , the sergeant , two constables and Miss Williams in his wake .
13 Waiting two-year-old Rhys Daniels in his mother 's arms outside the High Court yesterday
14 Waiting little Rhys Daniels in his mother 's arms outside the High Court yesterday
15 Waiting Rhys Daniels in his mother 's arms outside court
16 Ferrier hit Miss Brady in his mother 's home in Blackburn , West Lothian , and then twice in the house he shared with her and their two children at Mosside Drive , Blackburn .
17 In the nineteenth century , according to André Jullien in his Topography of all known vineyards ( 1824 ) , Mareuil wines were no different from those of Aÿ ‘ and pass , in commerce , as Vins d'Aÿ ’ , hence the village 's name Mareuil-sur-Aÿ , the wines being sold on the back of the wines of Aÿ .
18 JN OGILVY 1694 — he would not write ANGUS CAMERON in his cell , it would be like leaving a vital part of himself here forever .
19 Unit Trust Bank yesterday revealed it is one of the financial institutions backing former British Aerospace executive Richard Hooke in his bid for BAe 's Corporate Jet business .
20 BA yesterday revealed it is one of the financial institutions backing former British Aerospace executive Richard Hooke in his bid for BAe 's Corporate Jet business .
21 He differed from Kitto J. in his approach to the amount of compulsion necessary in this passage , at p. 144 :
22 In the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan , 376 U.S. 254 relating to the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the American Constitution , the sentiments expressed by Brennan J. in his opinion accord closely with the approach of the European Court of Human Rights .
23 MacNeill Weir in his guide says that about the year 1827 a large distillery was built close to the River Laggan at Mulindry .
24 ECHO FROM THE PAST In 1980 Marlies and I spent three days travelling with Senator Edward Kennedy in his motorcade during the presidential primary campaign .
25 The dilemma of those who evoke consciousness as the basis of phenomena was succinctly stated by Ronnie Knox in his limerick on idealism : There once was a man who said " God Must think it exceedingly odd If he finds that this tree Continues to be When there 's no one about in the Quad . "
26 These were the words of Neil Kinnock in his speech to the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee two years ago .
27 About 250 of them , later branded by the government as paid extremists , broke through a cordon of soldiers to rampage through the NSF headquarters , cornering Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican-Voiculescu in his office for four hours before soldiers managed to restore order .
28 Richard Johnson in his essay on the early nineteenth-century radical educators emphasised the relationship between the activities of the latter and the tremendous social , economic and political changes brought about by the industrial revolution .
29 Despite Ferrari , the race went on , and a memorable race it was , with thunder-clouds overhead , a wonderful high-speed circuit to urge drivers on and a hugely combative field in which Hunt , who held pole position , went into an early lead , was swept aside by John Watson in a Penske , with Ronnie Peterson in his March coming up almost right alongside the leaders , eventually overtaking both .
30 Beneath the centre panel is a predella which , when opened , displays the corpse of Richard Cornwall in his shroud .
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