Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun prp] [verb] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As Beatrice Webb wrote of birth control and the economic conditions :
2 Godfrey Amoo said of Ali : ‘ I try to copy his style , his footwork and the man generally — everything about him . ’
3 Alresford district commissioner David Harvey spoke of Barry 's life in scouting since 1949 .
4 In 1847 Richard Sheepshanks wrote of John Couch Adams , a Cambridge mathematician who had just predicted the new planet Neptune : ‘ I think there is a hope that Mr Adams will continue his astronomical career .
5 Lord David Cecil wrote of Conrad :
6 Bobby Moore tells of cancer fight
7 In the study which Teresa Hinton and Richard Berthoud made of Money Advice Services , they showed how much the development had been a response to the increasing demands for help at a local level .
8 WHEN Saul Bellow wrote of America as the place where the ‘ modern action ’ is , he might as well have included the whole continent : Central and South America , with their chaotic flux of civil wars , bloody massacres , assassinations , coups and putsches , are about as modern as the action gets .
9 Miss Hutton smelled of mothballs and good works .
10 Duke Frederick died of disease soon after .
11 On the opposite side of the road to the gardens is the Hospício Maria Amélia , originally a gift by the Dowager Empress of Brazil , whose only daughter the Princess Maria Amélia died of consumption in Madeira in 1853 .
12 Still to come : was Shakespeare in truth the seventeenth Earl of Oxford , and a Van Gogh made of money at the Museum of Modern Art .
13 Left , this page : Dublin radical Gavin Friday disapproves of Dublin 's cozy retro rock community
15 A few days later , Earl Seiguard died of blood poisoning .
16 John Claudius Loudon wrote of statues in his great Encyclopedia of Gardening ( 1822 ) : ‘ They excite interest , often produce character … when a few are judiciously introduced ; but profusely scattered about , they distract attention . ’
17 J. F. Campbell tells of sticks with sharpened ends which had been burnt and hardened in a fire and said he had seen one of them found in a moss , and writes " They used to throw them from them , and could aim exceedingly with them , and they could drive through a man .
18 So cold was the weather that Sergeant Phillips died of hypothermia on only the second night .
19 Maud Karpeles wrote of Kimber 's ‘ perfect carriage , the dignity of his bearing , his loose-limbed yet controlled movements and , above all , the sparkle of his step ’ .
20 Jane Austen had of course much more first-hand experience of ‘ high life ’ than Richardson , on her brother 's estate at Godmersham ( Fig. 16 ) and elsewhere .
21 It tended to produce this monotonous field pattern , and it also produced ‘ a continuous sheet of greensward ’ , as William Marshall observed of Leicestershire in 1790 , instead of the multi-coloured patchwork of the old arable strips .
22 J T Scoulding in Hudsons Ward spoke of housing , ‘ the immediate necessity of which is only too apparent and has been continually kept in the front of the Labour Party 's demands on the West Ham Council ’ , education ‘ free from the elementary school to the university thus give our class equality of opportunity ’ , and municipal employment , ‘ the local authority being model employers and setting the standard for the rest of the community in respect to wages and conditions of employment ’ ( Election leaflets , 1919 ) .
23 Mr Grenside learned of Joanna 's disappearance from his son , Christopher , who is divorced from Joanna 's mother .
24 Friends of the Earth is warning Mr Redwood to beware of talk of a jobs bonanza .
25 The corridor smelled of polish and Sister Ignatia smelled of cloth and soap .
26 Rupert Brooke died of blood poisoning en route to the Dardanelles where 25,000 Australian and New Zealand troops were killed , 76,000 were wounded and 13,000 reported missing in a bungled and mismanaged expedition against the Turks .
27 Viscount Althorp said of reporters covering his engagement : ‘ They wanted to get back , bring me down , and make Victoria 's [ his wife 's ] life a misery . ’
28 Uncle Bill died of pneumonia in his middle forties .
29 Sir Peter tells of men who , once in the desert — even now the location is not revealed — formed into small groups .
30 The German Protestant theologian Jürgen Moltmann speaks of God as a ‘ motherly father ’ .
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