Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [art] [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 This one 's by Mars , slugging it out with rivals Walls for the lion 's share of a market worth more than £200 million a year .
2 Already I had put in a formal application to Gladstone Murray for a producer 's post with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation , and Ernie Bushnell suggested I submit a programme script for consideration .
3 Although there was no sign of him on the Moscow march , many of the demonstrators chanted support for Mr Boris Yeltsin , sacked as Moscow party chief but overwhelmingly elected last March as the city 's representative on the new Congress of People 's Deputies .
4 In a vote of confidence on 28 March about the government 's handling of the industrial crisis , the Liberals , the Scottish Nationalists , and most of the Ulster MPs voted with the Conservatives , while the government enlisted the support only of the 3 Welsh Nationalists , 2 Scottish Labour , and 2 Ulstermen .
5 The unveiling of the plan coincided with opinion poll results which indicated that not only was the opposition running strongly ahead of the ALP , but that Hewson had opened a commanding lead over Hawke as the electorate 's preferred choice as Prime Minister .
6 It is the first occasion that Basquiat 's art will have been studied by an American institution and it comes at a time when David Ross , who replaced Thomas Armstrong as the Whitney 's director in bitter circumstances nearly two years ago , is under considerable pressure to ignite a new and visionary exhibition programme at the museum ( see The Art Newspaper No.6 , March 1991 , p.5 ) .
7 I hobbled my shameful way from First Buttress North on Lundy as the sun 's last rays winked over the darkening sea ( and last orders for food were being called at the island 's only pub ) after tumbling from the very last move of the 90ft first pitch of Road Runner .
8 Also in the film were Jeremy Kemp as the Australian 's coach and Mona Washbourne , who played Crawford 's mother on stage in The Anniversary , as his mother here .
9 The Department of Employment document , prepared in March for the Secretary 's Strategy Group ( SSG ) maps out ‘ possible future strategies ’ for dealing with the problem of long-term unemployment .
10 William Cobbett , writing in 1830 , described the Hereford as the country 's finest and most beautiful breed .
11 While Hill , who slid off at Kyalami during the season 's opening grand prix , purred with satisfaction , his old friend and rival Johnny Herbert was left to reflect on a day of mixed fortunes .
12 On April 16 Edouard Selami , a 30-year-old lawyer , was elected by DP delegates to replace Berisha as the party 's president .
13 In 1989 two-thirds of them ( about 114,000 people ) helped elect Mr Dinkins as the city 's first black mayor .
14 Among measures to strengthen CSCE machinery for conciliation and problem-solving , the meeting named Max van der Stoel of the Netherlands as the CSCE 's High Commissioner on National Minorities .
15 Besides my kind luncheon host and hostess , I met the Marquess and Marchioness of Abergavenny , he succeeded the late Duke of Norfolk as the Queen 's Representative at Ascot , a role he carried out most effectively for ten years , during which time he suggested many improvements that her Majesty agreed should be carried out .
16 On that afternoon of Tuesday , 31 August , McQueen 's daughter served them tea ; she wore a print linen dress , and had been to Inverness for a year 's education in reading , writing , sewing , knotting , lace- and pastry-making .
17 The Festival will also promote Hull as the UK 's key northern Gateway to Europe and celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the start of the English Civil War in Hull in 1642 .
18 But Michael Peckham does all three — which makes him seem , on the face of it , an unlikely character to move to Whitehall as the government 's new Director of Research and Development at the Department of Health .
19 ( Two years later , the tender of Samuel Foster Limited of Kempston for the nurses ' recreation room in the sum of £10,295 was accepted , despite an amendment which was put forward to postpone this project for three years , but which was lost on a show of hands . )
20 When Barbarossa was driven from Rome in 1167 many of the cities of the Po valley joined together in the Lombard League under the aegis of Milan ; and they built a new fortress town over against imperial Turin , guarding the approach to Lombardy from the west , which they called Alessandria after the emperor 's great rival , Pope Alexander III .
21 Border regained the Aussie captaincy from opening batsman Mark Taylor after a fortnight 's lay-off with a hamstring injury .
22 ‘ ARISE Sir Turnip ! ’ — Sun headline describing England manager Graham Taylor after the team 's 3–0 World Cup victory over Poland at Wembley .
23 This would still leave DRT as the world 's third largest accountancy firm behind KPMG and the recently merged Ernst & Young , so far the only two successful mega-mergers .
24 Lyric Fantasy is now 2–1 favourite ( from 5–2 ) with William Hill for the King 's Stand Stakes at Royal Ascot tomorrow week .
25 Bullock , following suggestions in S. G. Raybould 's recent book , The English Universities and Adult Education , argued that the universities should stick to Tutorial and preparatory-Tutorial Classes , leaving the WEA as the country 's main provider of less advanced courses in liberal studies ; for this expanded role , the Association would require increased government aid to finance additional full-time posts and would also need to ‘ get rid of those characteristics to which its critics have often pointed … conservatism , parochialism and class-consciousness ’ .
26 Although his career may be on the wane , he should still prove a useful asset to Ballymena , who just pipped top Junior side Coleraine for the veteran 's services .
27 He also joins O'Leary as the Republic 's third most-capped player on 68 .
28 Scott for a farmers ' forum at Stockton Cricket Club on Thursday .
29 The FMLN was formally registered as a political party on Dec. 15 , and on Dec. 21 its members elected a 15-member political directorate , and voted Jorge Shafik Handal as the party 's general co-ordinator .
30 In fact on the day they signed the contracts with Wonderland for the King 's Hall they had just gone to No 1 in the charts with their new album .
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