Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [noun] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Malkin 's far post cross was headed down by Nevin for Irons to crash a shot off the bar and Aldridge netted from close range .
2 The NJCC for Building published a Guidance Note on Collateral Warranties and a Procedure Note on Tendering for Building Works without Bills of Quantities .
3 Personally , I think the loss of Alan Hansen through injury had a lot to do with it .
4 Improv for Windows has a suggested retail price of £395 contact : Lotus Development ( UK ) Ltd Lotus Park The Causeway Staines Middx TW183A0
5 The multidimensional structure of Improv for Windows supports a robust spreadsheet design , so that users can display , arrange an manipulate up to 12 categories of data with a worksheet at one time .
6 The campaign has a programme of exhibitions and conferences arranged for 1992 , and Lord Montagu of Beaulieu wrote a foreword for their special supplement in 1991 .
7 Lord Montagu of Beaulieu studied a television , cigar held anxiously aloft .
8 Testimony to the interest and importance of this field of collecting occurred in October 1980 , when Sotheby , Beresford , Adams of Chester held an auction almost exclusively devoted to provincial presses .
9 Facing ever increasing numbers of Norse raids the Mages of Saphery draw a shroud of mists over the eastern sea approaches to Ulthuan .
10 The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive ( which is headed by a President elected for four years , at present a Republican ) , the legislative branch ( Congress , which comprises a Senate of 100 members and a House of Representatives of 435 members , both of which are at present controlled by the Democratic Party ) and the judicial branch ( headed by the Supreme Court ) .
11 The federal government of the United States of America embodies a separation of powers between the executive , headed by a President elected for four years , the legislative branch , Congress , which comprises the Senate ( with 100 members who sit for six years , one-third being elected every two years ) and the House of Representatives ( with 435 members elected every two years ) , and the judicial branch , headed by the Supreme Court .
12 For their part Republicans were delighted with the outcome , and took the offensive against the Walsh investigations , whose costs had exceeded US$27 million without achieving a single conviction which was deemed watertight ; Senate minority leader Robert Dole of Kansas issued a statement on Sept. 16 calling for the Iran-contra inquest to be closed .
13 Chrysler has already announced that it is teaming up with Renault of France to build a $400m to $500m plant in Europe to produce the JJ - a four-wheel drive Jeep-type vehicle .
14 Richard of Gloucester has a difficult task — an unenviable task , some might say .
15 King Juan Carlos of Spain paid a state visit to Morocco on July 4 .
16 King Juan Carlos of Spain paid an official state visit to Finland on July 3-5 , 1989 , the first by a Spanish monarch .
17 The economic performance of the two are divergent , they have a different set of problems and the linking of part of Plymouth with Cornwall creates a wholly artificial unit unrelated to geographical , social or economic reality .
18 There we were briefed by local staff who wanted us to keep a seaward eye on the local Colliers from Rotterdam following an outbreak of watch smuggling in Poole .
19 Aldercine Hodson in October welcomed a party of Japanese officials to watch her Luton Active Retirement Club in action .
20 At Crowland in Lincolnshire stands a medieval bridge , stranded high and dry in the middle of the town .
21 Paul McBurney from Lisburn had a double in the 200 and 400m , Gary Gallagher and Ricky Dunn gave Annadale maximum points in the high hurdles while Ian Neely from Ballymena and Antrim was best in the 400 hurdles .
22 Some LEAs in Britain saw an important opportunity in the formation of an item bank , linked to APU tests , upon which they could draw to generate tests .
23 Fortunately , the success achieved by Carlos Salinas in Mexico suggests an alternative .
24 Between 673 and 675 Wulfhere is found at his royal residence at Thame in Oxfordshire confirming a grant by which Frithuwald , sub-king of Wulfhere in the province of Surrey , gave land to Chertsey in the company of three other sub-kings , most probably of the regions bordering on Surrey — Osric , Wigheard and Aethelwald , all representing territories soon to be wholly subsumed within larger political creations ( CS 34 : S 1165 ) .
25 Would Joseph Wright in time become a Mr Peniket , or Johnny Pyke a Commander Abigail , or Jennifer Droppy a Miss Poraway ?
26 P. BURLEY from Penge has an idea …
27 However , Iraq 's invasion of Kuwait in August dealt a serious blow to unified Yemen 's immediate prospects , and the country entered 1991 facing the possibility of economic deterioration , political and social unrest and regional isolation .
28 In a churchyard at Bilston in Staffordshire stands a memorial to a mother and her two infant children , who all died within a period of three weeks in the winter of 1847 ; they are described as ‘ all victims to the neglect of sanitary regulations specially referred to in a recent lecture on Health in this town . ’
29 The manager at both secondary- and primary-school level , would , when that development is complete , find it possible to adapt to school use recommendations about the wholesale management and regearing of both policy and practice which is needed in FE in order to create a comprehensive setting for the introduction of new vocational qualifications ( Haffenden and Brown 1989 ) .
30 One of her earliest V.I.P. cruises was to transport members of the Board of Customs to Port Ellen in Islay to open a new distillery .
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