Example sentences of "[noun prp] [prep] [noun sg] of state " in BNC.

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1 On the following day , and to his surprise , Tony Crosland succeeded Michael Stewart as Secretary of State for Education and Science .
2 The remnants of Doe 's forces — also thought to number 1,000 — nominated Nimley as head of state .
3 In December he became a cardinal ; and the following February he followed his old master de Gasparri as Secretary of State .
4 Josef Riegler , who had already been replaced as Federal Vice-Chancellor by ÖVP president Erhard Busek on July 2 , resigned as Minister for Federalism and for Administrative Reform in the Federal Chancellery , and was replaced by Jurgen Weiss , while Johannes Ditz succeeded Günter Stummvoll as Minister of State to the Finance Minister .
5 Further Cabinet changes followed the resignation in mid-September of Minister of State for Finance , Economy and the Budget Said Ali Kemal , hitherto regarded as second in the government only to Djohar .
8 Regina v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Pegg
9 Regina v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Pierson
10 Regina v. Secretary of State for the Home Department , Ex parte Smart
11 On March 12 , after accepting the resignation of Jacek Merkel as Minister of State in charge of defence and national security affairs , Walesa appointed to the post Lech Kaczynski , a key presidential aide and twin brother of Jaroslaw Kaczynski .
12 One had even held an appointment under Heath as minister of state for Employment .
13 The appointment of Jean Nguza Karl-I-Bond as Minister of State in the Office of the President was announced on national television on Sept. 2 .
14 716 , C.A. ; Reg v. Secretary of State for Transport , Ex parte Factortame Ltd .
15 Reg v. Secretary of State for Transport , Ex parte Factortame Ltd. [ 1990 ] 2 A.C. 85 ; [ 1989 ] 2 W.L.R. 997 ; [ 1989 ] 2 All E.R.
16 June 5 : nine ministers were dismissed , 11 new appointments made , including Edouard Franck as Minister of State at the Presidency in charge of Co-ordination , the Cabinet Secretariat and Relations with Parliament .
17 Sideways moves for ministers such as John MacGregor apart , one of the few appointments not to smack of some form of pay-off is that of John Patten as Secretary of State for Education .
18 The decision in Swati was reinforced by the Court of Appeal in Davendranath Doorga v. Secretary of State for the Home Department .
19 An additional factor to be taken into account was added by the case of Air Canada v. Secretary of State ( No. 2 ) ( H.L. , 1983 ) , namely the applicant 's need for the documents .
20 Air Canada v. Secretary of State for Trade [ 1983 ] 2 A.C. 394 ; [ 1983 ] 2 W.L.R. 494 ; [ 1983 ] 1 All E.R.
21 I do not agree , for the department is to be treated as a whole : see Lord Diplock in Bushell v. Secretary of State for the Environment [ 1981 ] A.C. 75 , 95 .
22 There is a considerable shake-up at the Northern Ireland Office , where Sir Patrick Mayhew has already taken over from Mr Peter Brooke as Secretary of State .
23 Changes since May were : Bufi , hitherto Minister of Nutrition , replaced Fatos Nano as Chair of Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) ; Pashko replaced Leontjev Cuci as Minister of the Economy and was also appointed Deputy Chair ; Teta replaced Ndricim Karakacias Minister of Defence ; Bajram Yzeiri replaced Hujredin Shyn as Minister of Public Order ; Shefqet Muci replaced Fatmir Zaloshnja as Minister of Justice ; Ruli replaced Anastas Angjeli as Minister of Finance ; Misja replaced as Minister of Industry Vilson Ahmeti who replaced Bufi as Minister of Nutrition ; Nano replaced Shane Korbeci as Minister of Foreign Economic Relations ; Agim Mero replaced Gavrosh Pogace as Minister of Domestic Trade and Tourism ; Fatos Bitincka replaced Kostandin Hoxha as Minister of Transport ; Prec Zogaj replaced Mojkom Zeqo as Minister of Culture , Youth and Sports ; Alfred Karamuko replaced Bujar Kolaneci as Chair of State Control Commission .
24 ( b ) By applying natural justice in situations where there was " a right , an interest , a legitimate expectation of being granted a hearing " Per Denning M.R. in Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs ( C.A. , 1969 ) .
25 In Schmidt v. Secretary of State for Home Affairs the plaintiffs were Scientology students who had been given a limited leave to enter the country .
26 The decision in Lambeth LBC v. Secretary of State for Social Services where Woolf J struck down the minister 's decision to use his statutory powers to suspend the members of an area health authority and to appoint commissioners in their place was strongly interventionist .
27 It later declared that while recognizing President Eduardo dos Santos as head of state , it continued to deny the legitimacy of the MPLA government .
28 UNITA , which had unilaterally downgraded the status of its delegation shortly before the talks , further claimed that it had already made concessions including the recognition of the ruling MPLA as a political party , and of President dos Santos as head of state .
29 Other appointments were : Lee Boon Yang as Minister in the Prime Minister 's Office and Second Minister for Defence ; Mah Bow Tan as Acting Minister for Communications and Minister of State for Trade and Industry ; Seet Ai Mee as Acting Minister for Community Development ; and Sidek Saniff as Minister of State for Education .
30 K. P. Unnikrishnan relinquished the Communications portfolio to Janeshwar Mishra as Minister of State ( Independent Charge ) , retaining Surface Transport .
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