Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun sg] be of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 An official of the American Civil Liberties Union has protested : ‘ Firing people who come to work sober because of their condition on Saturday night is of debatable value . ’
2 Clements Farm is of great antiquity , the building itself probably dates back to the 15th century , and happily has been boarded up to prevent more deterioration .
3 In this matter the PNP experience is of considerable relevance .
4 Newark Castle was of strategic importance during the Civil War when it withheld three sieges by Parliamentarians .
5 It became evident to both the Corporation and the Company , that the Selby Road frontier was of little use as a terminus for either .
6 Many of the tasks of soldiers of the UN battalion are of this humanitarian nature , rather than purely operational .
7 The detailing on the Pařížská Street façade is of 1910–14 .
8 THE CUSTOM of kissing the Old Man at Stamford School is of unknown origin , but it was an established tradition by Victorian times .
9 Criticisms of the Bacon and Eltis thesis are of two types : theoretical and empirical .
10 Llansteffan Castle is of Norman construction and overlooks the Towy Estuary making the walk thoroughly rewarding .
11 The image which most Shetlanders present is of new housing springing up everywhere , without any apparent pattern .
12 The Tavistock study was of new ways of organising work as novel coal-getting technology was introduced into pits in the 1950s .
13 The Horsa glider was of considerable size , with a wing span of 88ft , and was 67ft long .
14 In the OECD area as a whole , which includes the USA , service employment increased from 44 to 62 per cent of total employment , a swing of 18 ‘ percentage points ’ , while the EC and UK swing was of 20 points .
15 The changes identified by the Tomlinson report are of such a magnitude and involve so great a culture change that the planning and decision making will need to be made with a great deal of care and integration .
16 Cologne Cathedral is of immense size , the largest in northern Europe .
17 I would like to say that Pegasus Farm was of vital strategic value to the war effort , but I can not .
18 Furness wool was of good repute .
19 By any standards the collections of the Barber Institute are of national importance and should prove a source of pride to the Trustees of the bequest , the University , and the citizens of Birmingham .
20 But the general impression of the Hollywood scene was of artificial glitter , false fronts on western pioneer town sets , and a little glamour mixed with much frustration .
21 The report adds : ‘ Timothy Hackworth Museum is of unique historic importance .
22 There is plenty of evidence for the planting of new vineyards in the Bordelais and even a Poitevin was prepared to admit that Bordeaux wine was of superb quality , but at this date by far the most important wine-exporting region was further north , in Aunis and Saintonge .
23 Fortunately the Diocesan Advisory Committee decided that Pennant Melangell Church was of such importance that they wished to promote a full scheme of repair and reordering .
24 With grateful acknowledgement to Mr Birdwood , the first instalment of his talk is printed below , as the Heart of Wales Line is of much interest to this Society :
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