Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] [verb] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 Fred Astaire still twirls Ginger Rogers and Donald Peers croons Give me the moonlight , give me the girl and leave the rest to me .
2 Rugby has given me a life , it 's given me everything .
3 Sir David continues to ask me every couple of hours if I 've done it yet . ’
4 Jean 's bought me a tin of biscuits and a tin of of tin of biscuits so there 's ample biscuits .
5 Perry offers to buy me a drink , but I will not give him the satisfaction .
6 Jane has told me a lot about you , ’ she said .
7 ‘ There 's nothing else to hang about for now that your friend at UFA has given me a new face .
8 Berenice has given me a possible lead to her elusive husband . ’
9 Fred has given me no good reason for wanting us to break up our marriage like this . ’
10 Robson , who will contact Kenny Dalglish today for an update on Barnes , said : ‘ Kenny has phoned me a couple of times and has told me that Barnes has done some training this week .
11 In fact the only thing , I , I 'm hoping Robert 's packed me the razor , I 'll have a shave when I 'm there you know ?
12 Visnews has sent me a 16-page fax on what they have ; please phone tomorrow to discuss .
13 Jacky 's told me a bit of it- and then we could think about what to do next . ’
14 I have not done anything to earn it , but God has given me the Spirit and accepted me into his family ; and he means me to know that I belong . ’
15 Cos Irene says give me a ring I says no , I says that 's it , I said I 've already made the arrangement once and it backfired I says so I 'm not doing it no more .
16 Kate has taught me a lot about motherhood — mostly because she approaches it in a completely different way to me .
17 Karl has given me no indication that he wants to leave and Paul Dixon is the only player they have got who is good enough to get in my side .
18 Karl has sent me a good luck card .
19 Huey Carmichael wants to offer me a job .
20 ‘ When th 've had th'drink and polished off those breakfast dishes , Mrs Salt says to give me a hand . ’
21 Marjorie 's given me a tortoise house for my present , but I do n't like it .
22 ‘ To go there with Hereford does give me a chance to get some revenge , I suppose , but that wo n't be my priority .
23 ‘ To go there with Hereford does give me a chance to gain some revenge , I suppose , but that wo n't be my priority .
24 Michel 's told me a few things about himself ; he comes from a family of lawyers and administrators .
25 Harvey 's given me a job to do , ’ she said , tiring of her game .
26 Signing for Salford and gaining the captaincy of Wales has given me the chance to prove myself . ’
27 Within minutes of the disaster , Blairman 's offered me a desk and telephone , Mallett 's provided porters and storage for the 60 years ' accumulation which had to be out of Mount Street in two days .
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