Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] [verb] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Freud seems to have been right in seeing that , at least in Christianity and its associated arts , both in works positively related to it and those antagonistic to it , there is to be found the theme of God the Father , and God the Son , who is sacrificed and eaten in Holy Communion .
2 Now , we hear time and time again of the one million capital that was spent and yes and I do hope that the provisions that will now be made through a combined budget which Mr seems to think is half a million but I can assure you it is not half a million however , I do I can further reassure him that by the time the Highfields er and Moat management committee have gone through with this it will be half a million , there will be a proper budget provision as it should have been in the last five to six years .
3 Communication between Raistrick and Fleming appears to have been minimal .
4 But Chancellor Kohl appears to have been startled by suggestions that his letter to President Mitterrand last week implying an intention to go slow on EMU might have been inspired by a desire to play the German unity card in the West German general election next year .
5 Yet Rider Haggard seems to have been dissatisfied with his presentation of the character ( and naturally he must have been influenced , as a professional novelist , by the enormous popularity and sales of She ) and he did not resist the temptation to give his readers a further insight into her .
6 The presence of members of Anna 's family in Gaul at the nunnery of Farmoûtier-en-Brie ( HE 111 , 8 ) emphasizes the continuing Frankish orientation of his kingdom and throughout his reign Anna appears to have been involved in opposition to the Mercians .
7 Certainly Ambassador Bruce 's reporting from Paris appears to have been impartial ; while the Far Eastern memorandum took for granted first that those in command of the so-called Vietnamese Democratic Republic were men trained in the methods and doctrines of international communism ; secondly , that should they succeed , a pattern of foreign totalitarianism would be clamped upon Vietnam under which all liberties , national and personal , would be lost and thirdly , that the paramount question in Indo-China was whether the country was to be saved from communist control : all other issues were irrelevant .
8 Management and support skills like those Joseph strives to build are vital to our artistic future — any musician can tell you they 're not a strong point here .
9 Bernard seems to have been one of those who swore that Pippin would come .
10 Johnson 's had been one of the greatest track and field performances of all time .
11 That 's a beautiful black eye you 've got , Seb — but the one Boz has got is better .
12 ‘ But what Bill has done is unbelievable .
13 Personally , however , Diderot seems to have been genial and agreeable .
14 Margaret Thatcher seems to have been Prime Minister all my life , and the Falklands War is just a vague and fearful memory of someone else 's brother going off to fight .
15 The drawing had been published in 1935 in connection with the painting , yet both consignor and Sotheby 's had been ignorant of this .
16 His correspondence with the queen , while it may confute accusations of lasciviousness , reveals the poverty of his courtier mind ; his main concern and topic was the health of the royal couple and his bond with Maria Luisa seems to have been hypochondriacal rather than sexual in nature .
17 Despite widespread opposition to abolition expressed in opinion polls it is difficult to discern any significant backlash in the 1987 general election — indeed the increase in the Conservative vote in London seems to have been higher than elsewhere .
18 The coffin of the 25-year-old whom the IRA has admitted was one of its ‘ volunteers ’ was draped in the Irish tricolour with beret and gloves on top .
19 One thing Novell needs to avoid is internal conflict over what it sells — otherwise it gets into DEC 's position of having Unix on the books , but preferring to push its proprietary offerings .
20 The corrective that Mr Welch has prescribed is bold enough to suggest that his second decade as chief executive could be as radical as the first .
21 And this is not altogether surprising ; for Dorothy Pound seems to have been English in a singularly entire and uncompromising fashion .
22 Kastri on Kythera seems to have been one of the earliest , if not the first , Minoan colony , and it was set up well before 2000 BC .
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