Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] [prep] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The story of Ruth illuminates for me the unbridgeable difference , rather than the similarity , between her situation and mine .
2 Astrologer Carol Morris looks at what the heavens hold this week
3 Astrologer Carol Morris looks at what the heavens hold this week
4 Saddam Hussein disagrees with what the Kurds would like and has been trying to eradicate them from Iraq by killing them with his powerful army .
5 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
6 Paris remains for me the most exciting City in Europe .
7 In the first of a three part series , Liz Hannam looks at what the society has to cope with in a typical twenty-four hours .
8 Forced to depart from Suxavat by its apocalyptic destruction , Urim 's final journey to the Andes reveals to him the mirror-image of the Hindu Kush of his origins .
9 In this elegant , compassionate , deeply researched book , the tremendously caring Geoffrey Moorhouse sets before us the facts and figures , the jingoism , pride , pain , as well as the hideous smugness , the cock-ups , the arrogance , and the disasters made by ‘ those who know better ’ .
10 In ‘ Barchester Towers ’ though it is actually Dr. Proudie who takes the position wanted by Dr. Grantly , he is made out to be a rather insignificant and weak person whereas Mrs. Proudie is seen at once to be strong and authoritative , too much so , and Trollope makes of her the kind of character a reader loves to hate .
11 The critique of Nietzsche 's apocalyptic aestheticism , with its injunction to build your dwelling on the slopes of Vesuvius , just can not be reduced to the cliché about Baudrillard fiddling while Rome burns with which the book closes .
12 The accolade of membership of NACAB carries with it the advantages of status and support for a bureau .
13 Elizabeth brings with her the experience of working through periods of change both with ILEA and London Guildhall which recently made the transition from polytechnic to university status .
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