Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb -s] [that] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jakarta 's Governor Wiyogo Atmordarminto insists that to drive a becak is a degrading occupation , considering Indonesia 's level of development .
2 Jiminez de Arechaga concludes that recognising a third party 's assent through its actions shows that the third party is taking advantage of a pre-existing right , and is not concluding a collateral agreement .
3 Smithers calculates that to finance a corporate-sector deficit of ¥40 trillion at the current high corporate-borrowing rate of 5% ( almost 4% after inflation ) would cost ¥2 trillion a year .
4 A Country Diary : EGGLESTON BURN , Teesdale : Small burns that feed the main rivers of the Pennine Dales create some of the wildest features of the landscape .
5 British Telecom says that selling a service in which the equipment is in the company 's own offices stands a better chance of success .
6 Editor , — Ellis Field suggests that increasing the number of consultants to help reduce junior doctors ' hours would alter the nature of senior posts for the worse and advocates a substantial increase in junior staff .
7 Club captain Jim Wilson says that winning the Irish youth championship gave the club ‘ a great boost . ’
8 Housmans considers that building a property in Portugal is in many cases cheaper than buying one .
9 Indeed , Dr Tony Underwood of the University of Sydney suggests that to control the crown of thorns starfish could , in the end , do more harm to the reef than good .
10 WEDGWOOD believes that safeguarding the environment for ourselves and our children should be a part of good business practice .
11 Leftfield go all New Yorky on us to demonstrate that there are more shades to their colour than first meets the eye , but really it 's the pair of Zoom mixes that hold the trump cards .
12 Mike says that filming the hunt was be far the hardest job he has ever done , and he was certainly relieved to see the last of running through the forest during the rainy season .
13 If what Pascal , Butler , Newman and Browning say is true , then there will always be a degree of uncertainty about whether God exists that reflects an absence of proof .
14 The topic — cultural materialist Raymond Williams — remains the same , and Kevin hopes that completing the MA will encourage the Academy to fund him later .
15 There would have been the ill-lit halls , impractical sanitary arrangements , filthy rush-laid floors and sparsely furnished rooms ; and if period duplicates had existed of Elizabethan interiors or classical Queen Anne houses that showed the inadequate lighting , heating and plumbing of the sixteenth , seventeenth and eighteenth centuries , how much easier , the guests agreed , it would be to appreciate the modern refinements which their own contemporaries took so much for granted .
16 Like a growing number of promoters , Geoff knows that keeping the style inside means keeping the ‘ riff-raff ’ — the Ecstasy raconteurs , the ten-a-penny ravers , the baseball caps — out , and to this end he has called up that ghost of clubbing past , the door policy .
17 Worn-out belts that had no buckles , " Lectric trains that had no tracks , Airplane models , broken bottles , Three-legged chairs and cups with cracks .
18 InteCalc claims that pressing the right arrow key will scroll through the currently available files but this was n't the case on my sample .
19 The following year Graham Greene , having struggled to write a script from Galsworthy 's Twenty-One Days — about a murderer who killed himself and an innocent man who was hanged for the suicide 's crime — within BBFC rules that forbade the representation of either suicide or a failure of British justice , joined with J. B. Priestley , Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells in speaking out against the censorship system .
20 Polly learns that getting a new tooth is part of growing up .
21 Jack Delano believes that enriching the human spirit in some measure is the purpose of all art , and if any of his work has come close to doing that for anyone , then he and his wife , who sadly died in 1982 , would be more than satisfied .
22 Wood finishes that let the natural beauty of the grain show through are becoming more and more popular .
23 I may be being a bit paranoid , but if there is any bother , it will be the ones decked out as Leeds fans that get the trouble .
24 Like all good recording artists , McGegan realises that to make a successful recording you must be prepared to exaggerate , and it is this that makes Floridante a success .
25 Services engineer Jim Hunter , who is responsible for vehicle and plant maintenance on the terminal , told BPXpress : ‘ The remote location of Sullom Voe means that having a reliable crane is essential .
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