Example sentences of "[noun prp] [was/were] [v-ing] [pron] up " in BNC.

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1 Scamp turned to reach down into one of the boxes of groceries that were scattered over the floor but I did n't see what he was after as Nevil was lifting me up by the shoulders .
2 I had it yesterday and I came here and Karen was hurrying me up and I must have dropped it somewhere .
3 And wished he had n't because , two weeks later , Donald was holding him up with a sawn-off shotgun for an hour and a half .
4 The DHSS were playing me up over the removal grant , so one of my sons went up to the house to see if there were any letters — everything had been smashed , crocks were smashed and the beds were slashed .
5 Sam was living it up .
6 Mike was holding it up for Mr. Rowbotham to see .
7 It sounded as if Irina was setting herself up for the planned return to Moscow , ahead of the Brückner lawyers .
8 Maybe Jack was rounding them up and moving them to another field .
9 She thought Nathan was making it up .
10 All the time he and Rufus were living it up , driving about the countryside in Goblander , driving to London once to buy marijuana from the dealer Rufus knew in Notting Hill , drinking and smoking ( as he had put it ) Hilbert 's furniture away , all that time Vivien and her boyfriend Shiva were making arrangements to join Ecalpemos .
11 Rufus was setting it up .
12 Laura was cutting something up into small pieces , with a cookery book open in front of her .
13 King Vidor , who directed him in Man Without a Star in 1955 , said , ‘ I felt throughout the filming that Kirk was working himself up to being a director .
14 But Nick was working himself up into one of his states , and she had to harden her heart .
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