Example sentences of "[noun prp] [is] [adv] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 After looking at Dragonfly we briefly discussed which riffs by other players had the same sort of feel , and ended up jamming our way through Hendrix 's Spanish Castle Magic , Manic Depression , Purple Haze and Voodoo Chile — also Clapton 's Forever Man and White Room .
2 Mr Paterson is neither psychologist nor novelist , and the personality that dominates these pages remains strangely elusive .
3 One other major development in the sixties was the founding of the Society 's headquarters at Balham and it was largely Edith 's housewifely flair and innate good sense that set the high standard and ordered the smooth running of what was inevitably a labour-intensive project .
4 Howard Shelley is both conductor and soloist , and will conduct the concerto from the keyboard , as Mozart himself did .
5 This is a generic something : I am speaking here of a literary practice long and widely and variously undertaken , in relation to which Roth is both critic and executant .
6 Derick Allsop profiles Britain 's nearly man and assesses the others in the running
7 Reine les Falaises is neither town nor country .
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