Example sentences of "[noun prp] [is] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Fellows is well nourished and well hydrated before she has surgery .
2 The confident cricketers are the ones who set themselves targets of achievement , which range from Sir Richard Hadlee 's carefully calculated and perfectly achieved ‘ double ’ season in 1984 , to my hope that perhaps I will perform the somewhat lesser treble of at least one run , one wicket and one catch for the village this year .
3 ‘ Ms Hannah Soo is already raised and conversant , ’ said the ambience .
4 Iain Milne , Heriot 's much admired and respected Bear , was briefly an Anglo-Scot with Harlequins .
5 Alfonso is thus humbled and perjured before his nobles .
6 McKinsey is widely regarded as one of the top business consulting companies in the world and Gerstner has been characterised as one of its stars .
7 Big Volvo is well made and the finish is good
8 Do n't know what Scott 's already archived but why they were n't put in boxes away somewhere I 've no idea
9 Brigadier Hamilton Baillie is now retired and lving in Oxfordshire .
10 Even the work published in English by people like Norman , Halliday , Moore or Steven is often ignored or treated as misguided .
11 Loch Eilde Mor is soon reached and the going is easy along its north side , at the base of the steep flanks of Sgurr Eilde Mor .
12 Mexico is often depicted as being characterised by ‘ charrismo ’ , the phenomenon of trade unions being controlled by the state , in order to keep wages down in the service of capital accumulation and accelerated economic growth .
13 I now see that Travis is so smitten that he would n't accept anything but that , meeting me for the first time when I called at your apartment , you at once became very much attracted to me .
14 In contrast to Iacocca 's blustery persona , Eaton is relatively reserved but , beneath his calm demeanour , it 's clear that there lurks a tough and gritty leader .
15 Winemakers often argue over the question whether Cabernet Sauvignon is universally liked because it is the best red grape variety in the world , or because it is the main ingredient in claret the world 's most widely available red wine .
16 The conclusion from these studies was that DNA binding by c-Jun is severely inhibited when this protein is phosphorylated at Ser-243 , Ser-249 , and either Thr-239 or Thr-231 .
17 It goes without saying that his accomplishments did not match his campaign rhetoric — taxes were increased , the state budget more than doubled while he was in office and there were no significant reductions in the size of the state workforce yet his ‘ record in Sacramento is generally regarded as favorable ’ .
18 Currently , the NHS is much criticised because it does not have a comprehensive inventory of its fixed assets .
19 This rapid response is followed by a region of creep , A to B , initially fast but eventually slowing down to a constant rate represented by the section B to C. When the stress is removed the instantaneous elastic response OA is completely recovered and the curve drops from C to D , i.e. the distance .
20 Protogeometric is tentatively imitated or paralleled in other parts of Greece , and the fully developed Geometric of the succeeding centuries becomes a universal Greek style ; but it is in Attica that the development can be most clearly seen , and all other Geometric pottery-styles remain provincial beside Attic .
21 In most surveys , Scotland is also shown as having a very high proportion of workers living in tied accommodation — over 80 per cent in a number of counties .
22 Indeed , the extension of the Sale of Goods Bill 1892 to Scotland is often portrayed as being " hasty " and " ill-considered " ( see T B Smith , Property Problems in Sale ( 1979 ) ) .
23 ( Like tragedy , its " sublime " sister art , the " Old " ( Aristophanic ) Comedy of classical Athens is generally regarded as having originated in the worship of Dionysus .
24 County Cork is both blessed and cursed with a magnificent harbour .
25 Whether they converted many outside of the city of Rochester is not known or whether a Saxon church stood in Halling at this time .
26 Artegall 's initiative in Ireland is not completed and savagery is allowed to regain a hold .
27 The number of therapeutic abortions carried out in Northern Ireland is not known because they are contained in figures for gynaecological operations .
28 Brook is equally determined that parents should have no say over their children 's exposure to permissive sex-education material .
29 Mrs De Winter is already tipped as being one of the best sellers this year .
30 The narrow High Street is easily blocked as traffic builds up behind the heavy goods vehicles trying to get through on a route avoiding the increased toll on the Severn Bridge .
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