Example sentences of "[noun prp] [vb mod] have [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 Hardy should have thought of that and found them some more suitable conveyance .
2 She thought for a moment , then decided to tell him of the little house in Washington where she and Mama had lived before Mama married Papa — She wondered briefly what Dr Neil would have made of that story .
3 ‘ And I 'm writing a book on Edith Wharton , ’ she said desperately , doubting whether Veronica would have heard of her .
4 Detaching himself from this passionate domesticity , he composed in his mind the kind of picture Rembrandt would have made of it .
5 This may seem a curious exception , but it is as well to remember that Gregory would have known of the versification of Sulpicius Severus 's Life of St Martin by Paulinus of Périgueux , and that he counted among his friends the poet Venantius Fortunatus , himself the author of a poetic work on the miracles of St Martin .
6 ( Think what Bob Hoskins would have made of it . )
7 Pete gave another look over the Princess , and wondered what Ted would have thought of the berthing arrangements had he been here to see them .
8 That Freddie Vigars should have heard of him !
9 Who but Ashton would have thought of giving this country yokel so delicate a movement ?
10 I like to think Virginia would have approved of that .
11 Captain Picard would have approved of the game , though , which was all very innocent .
12 That , dare one suggest , is what Wainwright would have expected of us .
13 He was not sure that Miss Rossetti would have approved of Ash 's theology , or of his sexual psychology .
14 Surrounded as he was by flatterers and sycophants , Constantius may have disposed of some of the land as rewards for service and information , but he needed money to recoup the heavy losses in his army .
15 BANGOR chairman Gifford McConkey must have dreamt of seeing a team in yellow shirts and blue shorts coming off the pitch victorious in Europe .
16 It is difficult to imagine what Flaubert would have thought of Sand in her younger days , as the headstrong lover of Musset and Chopin .
17 There 's always innovations in the rose world … the latest is putting them in hanging baskets … who knows what Christopher Columbus would have thought of that .
18 And any hope Laura might have had of at last having that ‘ long talk ’ which Ross had so faithfully promised her had been dashed on opening the front door of the apartment .
19 For one crazy , idiotic moment , Leith thought Naylor might have disposed of Sebastian 's deerstalker because it caused him some small degree of jealousy to see another man 's hat in her home .
20 It is a possibility that AFHQ could have learned of the huge body of Croat troops approaching Austria on 14 May from some source other than the main signals already referred to .
21 What the Bard of Stratford-upon-Avon would have thought of his verse can only be imagined , but Ken adopted the Shakespearean metre to the subject matter on hand — the Government of the day , the state of show business or the food being served .
22 Dr. Swift would have approved of his imminent hanging , yet this minor twist in the plot suggests the moral and ideological constraints under which a servant lived .
23 Laura would have approved of their aims , which almost a century later , stood as a beacon for her own philosophy ; they were ‘ to protest against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the body , impedes movement or injures health … and to promote the adoption according to individual taste and convenience of a style of dress based upon considerations of health , comfort and beauty and to deprecate the constant changes of fashion that can not be recommended on any of these grounds . ’
24 Eliot must have heard of his arrest during or just after his visit to Paris at the beginning of that month since , on his return , he immediately sent a cable to Archibald MacLeish , the poet who was then Assistant Secretary of State , saying that he was eager to help Pound in any way he could .
25 Any hope Melissa might have entertained of learning from Madame Delon what lay behind Madame Gebrec 's outburst came to nothing .
26 It was in French North Africa that British airborne troops had first been deployed on any scale , and Leslie would have heard of their exploits in seizing airfields and other strategic points in Algeria and Tunisia .
27 Howard would have approved of the improvement in pay and conditions of service and greater emphasis on training but he might have been quite surprised at the eventual outcome of well-meaning initiatives .
28 As we can be sure that Howard would have approved of the constructive use of prisoners ' time and energy and training in work habits , so we can probably also assume that he would have been disappointed in and disapproving of the latest trend .
29 One can not help imagining , however , what Jean Gabin and Marcel Dalio would have made of the roles .
30 She told her that it had been suggested to her that she should remain behind to rest , but she did not consider her darling Thomas would have approved of this .
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